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有效的系统可以导致单产的增加。System efficiency results in high yields per cultivated area.

提高作物单产的途径与对策。Ways of improving crop yield per unit area and the countermeasures.

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美国农业部对大豆单产的预测为每英亩40.5蒲式耳,远远低于分析人士的预测。USDA's yield of 40.5 bushels per acre was well below analysts expectations.

提出了提高杂交早稻单产需要解决的关键问题。The key issues to further raise the yield of early hybrid rice were put forward.

克劳伯说,物价高企将促进作物单产及播种面积的上升。Glauber said high commodity prices could improve yields and bring more land into production.

这两个国家的单产亦提高,而且该联合国机构还预计2008年的谷类作物将丰收。Yields are also up in the two countries, and the UN agency predicts bumper cereal crops in 2008.

阿根廷的单产预计将达到每公顷2.79吨,仅次于2003年创下的纪录。Yields in Argentina are projected at 2.79 tonnes per hectare, just below the record set in 2003.

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阿格拉沃说,尽管季雨迟来,但今年的大豆单产不太可能受到影响。Agrawal said the late arrival of monsoon rains was unlikely to impact soybean yield for the season.

“单产可能会下降,”这位世界最大油籽加工企业的负责人说。"We are probably going to have lower yields, " said Weisser, head of the world's biggest oilseed processor.

作物种类、肥料用量、土壤肥沃度、生产年度是影响某一地区粮食单产的主要因素。Crop variety, fertilizer dose, soil condition and production year are main factors influencing per unit yield.

结果表明,国外稻种资源对中国水稻单产起到促进作用。The results indicated that foreign germplasm resources played important roles in the rice production in China.

使用抽样法估计单产的准确性,很大程度上取决于样本块的质量。The accuracy of estimating per unit area yield mainly depends on the representative quality of the sample plot.

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著名的花生种植区在种植面积和单产方面都在遭受引人注目的下降。The famed groundnut growing region is suffering a striking decrease in terms of both cultivation area and yield.

放养规格、放养密度对饵料系数影响较小,对刺鲃的体重生长、单产、经济效益影响较显著。The survival rates were affected slightly by the stocking density, but increased significantly with stocking size.

美国农业部说,从1989年至2006年各地区的单产趋势来看,今年的单位产量预计为每公顷2.79吨。USDA said soy yields this year are seen at 2.79 tonnes per hectare based on regional trend yields for 1989 to 2006.

组织培养生产的植物,通过向农民提供更加健康的种植材料而提高作物单产。Tissue culture has produced plants that are increasing crop yields by providing farmers with healthier planting material.

本文通过试验证明了栽培玉米增施化学肥料既可以提高粮食单产,又可随着粮食产量的增加而增多玉米根茬的数量。Experiment showed that fertilizer application could increase not only the yield of maize but also the quantity of Its roots.

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理想株型与杂种优势利用相结合是实现水稻单产突破的重要途径之一。Combination between ideal plant type and heterosis is one of the important approaches to increase yield of rice in unit area.

影响玉米单产增长的诸多因素大概可以归纳为三类,一是要素投入,二是技术进步,三是技术效率。There are three factors, input factors, technical improvement and technical efficiency, influence the increase of maize yield.

设计了利用焦炉煤气合成甲醇和发电的并联式多联产系统,并与单产系统的性能进行了比较。The parallel-type poly-generation system of gas phase methanol synthesis and electric power generation was designed and simulated.