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天气如果好的话,我们想去夜餐。It being a fine day, we'd like to go for a picnic.

中国人凡是聚在一同吃年夜餐。Chinese people usually get together for a big dinner.

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若为大型或正式的酒会,可能会安排夜餐。If for large or formal reception, you may arrange supper.

然后他们坐在树下吃夜餐。Then they sit under the trees and have their picnic lunch.

很多多少伴侣聚在一同吃一顿年夜餐好好地纵容一下,是何等高兴地工作!A lot of friends together to eat a meal, how good indulgence is happy!

传统习气是家人和一群伴侣聚在一同年夜餐一顿。It is traditional for families and groups of friends to get together for a large meal.

平时我总泪汪汪的,当我一开车出门或在郊外夜餐时,我的鼻涕就淌得厉害。Usually my eyes get teary and I have a badly running nose when I drive outside or go to a picnic in the suburbs.

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当罗斯摆开姿势让大家拍照的时候,观众们领着他们的孩子,带着狗以及夜餐用具,争相向着陆点跑去。Onlookers scooped up their children, picnics and dogs to race to the landing site as Rossy posed for photographs.

夏日夜餐时,经常有非正式的棒球比赛。男孩女孩,年轻的年老的,都会轮流比赛。每个队有9个球员。At summer picnics, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, the young and the old, take turns to bate. Each team has 9 plyers.

在这一段的时间里,康妮上在床酣睡着,但,是那守猎人,他也不能安息,他把鸡笼关闭了,在树林里巡逻一同,然后回家去吃夜餐。Connie was in bed, and fast asleep all this time. But the keeper, too, could not rest. He had closed the coops and made his round of the wood , then gone home and eaten supper.