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海珠区绣花QQ群?District embroidery QQ group?

左口袋上的绣花标志细节。Embroided logo detail on left pocket.

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他笨手笨脚地把绣花被单扯来扯去。He fumbled at the embroidered coverlet.

这蝴蝶的绣花太漂亮了。The butterfly appliques are too adorable.

胸部的绣花和印图很好的体现了优点。AWS embroidery and print motif on the chest.

雕孔绣花,匹长百米!Over 100 meters piece length stiletto embroidery!

女帽皆用金银线绣花点缀与装饰。All female caps were decorated with purl embroidery.

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绣花线是按定单存放的吗?Is embroidery thread inventoried and issued by order?

正面带有绣花设计和魅力印图。Top trimmed with embroidery and print motifs on front.

绣花床单会在你身上印上信息。Embroidered bed sheets will imprint a message on your body.

这幅照片中,两个女孩正在绣花机上劳作。This picture is of two girls working on an embroidery machine.

首先她购买了一台缝纫机,然后就是一台绣花机。First she bought a sewing machine, then the embroidery machine.

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凡是缝纫绣花一类的工作都做。The every sewing embroiders to spend a type of works to all do.

这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler.

她身上那条绣花暖肚,是她自己制作的呢。The embroidered warming girdle she is wearing was made by herself.

绣花也可以根据客人要求来定做!Embroiders may also make to order according to the visitor request!

两个作坊间的院子里有间小屋,上面还有个绣花球。Between the two workspaces stood a little house with hydrangeas in the yard.

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织物绸面,可以选择的提花、印花或绣花等范畴。Fabric silken face, can choose jacquard, printing or embroider etc category.

适用于皮料人宇缝及布料绣花。It can be used for herringbone of leather materials and embroidery on cloth.

时间会随着歌声而辗转,随风而逝的落叶,一片片的落在绣花群上。As the time and squirming song, with the wind leaves, fall in the embroidery.