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第二、如果电梯内有手把,请一只手紧握手把。If there is handle in the lift, hold tightly with one hand.

孩子把这手紧抱在怀里,感到心宽了。The child pressed the hand close to him, and felt reassured.

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能遇见身边这个被你的手紧拉住的人。The chance of meeting this person you are holding hands with now.

这时,双手紧压地面,轻轻向后弓背,增加弧度。Press down on the mat with your hands, gently increasing the arch in your back.

从右肩膀绕过用手紧抓着扶手并系一个轻的绑带在手肘部。Grasp the handle over your right shoulder with arms extended and a slight bend at the elbow.

当你的手紧攥着钞票的同时,你也握紧了生命中一个特别的过程。When you grip your fingers so tightly around your cash, you squelch the very process of life.

杜库的手紧抓住桌子边沿,很明显他被激怒了。Dooku gripped the edge of the table. It was clear that a great surge of rage had overtaken him.

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“13秒后遭遇等离子攻击,”他说,他的手紧抓着控制台的边缘。"Thirteen seconds until plasma impact, " he said, and his hands gripped the edges of his console.

他儿子坐着一动不动,面孔冷酷,紧闭着嘴唇,他那双白皙的,关节明显的手紧握着放在桌上。His son sat still, face frozen, lips pressed in a line, white-knuckled hands clasped on the talbe.

做更多很棒的工作是来自内心的选择,不仅仅是口头上的应承,这种想法就像后面的手紧随着前面的手一样自然,当你说不的时候也一样。At the heart of doing more Great Work are the choices you make. Not just what you are saying Yes to.

他赶忙挤进大厅看到一个女人,她的脸涨成紫色,手紧抓着自己的喉咙。He hustled into the main room and saw a woman there, her face turning blue, her hands at her throat.

她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons.

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伯爵离他只有几步远了,由于双手紧绑,所以奔跑得碍手碍脚,他不断地磕磕绊绊,终于摔倒在地上。The count was only a few paces away, running awkwardly because of his tied hands, when he tripped and fell.

这个瘦弱的男人用手紧握着柠檬,出人意料地挤出了六滴柠檬汁。The thin man clenched his fist around the lemon and, to everyone's surprise, six drops fell into the glass.

若是手紧,在下这里倒还有几十两银子,诸位只管拿去花!If the hand is tight, at under here pour to still have several 12 silvers, the everybody tube takes to spend!

选用适当的改锥手动将螺钉或栓钉插入植入位置,并用手紧固。Insert the screw or abutment into the implant with the appropriate driver manually and tighten with finger pressure.

教士离开椅子,站起来在房间里转了两圈,用颤抖的手紧压着他那干焦的喉咙。The abb Rose from his chair, made two turns round the chamber, and pressed his trembling hand against his parched throat.

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但很多人不喜欢他们的连接,因为会吃线,尤其是手紧的人。But they have very short tips and I find them very uncomfortable to use with my long fingers. These are my least favorite.

教士离开椅子,站起来在房间里转了两圈,用颤抖的手紧压着他那干焦的喉咙。The abbé rose from his chair, made two turns round the chamber, and pressed his trembling hand against his parched throat.

这个公立学校仍然会为支付一些价格高昂的软件手紧,所以老师们经常看准那些可以免费开放资源的项目。The public school has limited means to purchase often-expensive software, so teachers often look to free open source programs.