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不说谎话,因为总有被拆穿的一天。Do not lie, because there was debunked the day.

人生已经如此地艰难有些事情就不要拆穿。Life has been so difficult some things do not expose.

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电视新闻拆穿了他精心编织的骗局。The TV news story blew his carefully fabricated cover.

不要说谎,因为总有被拆穿的一天。Did not say lies, because there have been debunked one day.

但是真正的目的是为了理解一瓶酒,而不仅只是拆穿它的真实身份。But the real goal is to understand a wine , not to unmask it.

回到地窖,杨琴当面拆穿了假的张志强。Back to the cellar, Mr Zhang Yang Qin debunk the false face to face.

这本书在2004年匿名发表过,但作者是朔伊尔先生这件事,很快就被人拆穿了。It was published anonymously in 2004, but Mr Scheuer was soon outed as the author.

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谎言会使问题变得更糟。如果你的谎言被拆穿,你将失去你的诚信。诚信失去要重新赢回来就很难了。Lying will make problems worse. If you're caught in a lie, you lose your credibility.

而谷老夫人装晕之后回到屋里,被谷风拆穿。After the valley of the old lady installed dizzy returned to the house, by the valley.

别说我说谎,人生已经如此地艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。Let alone I lie, life already so difficult, some matters do not see through an affair.

我们只是不想拆穿你,你别以为你所做的一切都神不知鬼不觉的。Don't think no one knows what you've done. We just don't want to reveal your real face.

当我们下一次聚会时,劳夫把这个圈套拆穿,大家嘲笑鄂斯本。When we next met, Ralph discovered the trick we had played, and Osborne was laughed at.

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有些人必须要拆穿这些屎人--这就是记者的工作,他们的工作将比历史上的任一时刻都显得重要!That’s the job of reporters, and their job will be more important than at any time in history.

不管他们是证实还是拆穿他所说的,至少曼兹所发现的将掀起历史研究新的篇章。At the least, Menzies' work will prompt new research of his findings, whether they're corroborated or debunked.

我会记得你的承诺。不管是是真是假。不去拆穿对方。起码幸福一直延续。I'll remember you promise. Whether it is true or false. Not to reveal each other. At least happiness continues.

我的西洋镜被拆穿了,于是干脆要她陪我走一走,到耶鲁美术画廊去看马克.罗思科的作品展览。My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.

与其他被新闻媒体拆穿的对于我的一些合理攻击不同的是,这些攻击是准确的。Unlike some of the attacks that have been leveled about me that have been debunked by news organizations, these are accurate.

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就在这一招要奏效时,与马固先生同住的外甥沃尔多拆穿了这个骗局。Want get the desired result in this one action when, the nephew Wo Er that lives together with Mr Magu is much expose this fraud.

关雎尔看在眼里,为邱莹莹的状况担心,她决定打个电话给邱父,拆穿白主管的嘴脸。Stretch, see in the eye, worry about Qiu Yingying condition, she decided to make a phone call to Qiu Fu, revealing the white head.

骗人的研究如果跟其它更可靠的发现相违,最终会被拆穿,但这一切都需要时间和费用。Dodgy work will out eventually, as it is found not to fit in with other, more reliable discoveries. But that all takes time and money.