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疗效是硬道理。Effect is the last word.

疗效更好,药效更持久。Works Better. Lasts Longer.

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全肺灌洗疗效肯定。Whole-lung lavage is effective.

水氯酊对青春痘疗效怎么样?。Ding right whelk curative effect how?

这种新药治感冒疗效更好。This new medicine is better for a cold.

表明中医外治法对其有明确的疗效。Chinese medicine that has a clear effect.

莜麦面是糖尿病疗效食品。Nake oats is a healthy food for diabetics.

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碘化物的疗效一般是明显的。The response to iodides is usually dramatic.

对痛风、风湿痛有更好的疗效。For gout, rheumatism pain have better effect.

而性别对临床疗效无明显影响。Sex has no effect on clinical curative effect.

尿道炎初起时服药疗效就不错。Urethritis rises drug efficacy is pretty good.

与进口药金纳多疗效相当。And imported drugs Ginaton considerable effect.

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疗效因人而异。The curative effect varies from person to person.

这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。The medicine did his stomachache a power of good.

下附的结论显示了疗效。The following tables show the results of treatment.

咖啡因确实对哮喘有疗效,但只是杯水车薪。Caffeine's benefits for asthma are real but minimal.

结论空管封闭疗法在根管治疗中操作方便,疗效确切。Conclusion This method might be easy and safe effect.

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水氯酊对青春痘疗效怎么样?。Is water chloric Ding right whelk curative effect how?

采用贾连顺的疗效评定法评定临床结果。The outcomes were assessed by Jia's clinical criteria.

疗效是通过将非诺贝特加入辛伐他汀里取得的。This is achieved by adding fenofibrate to simvastatin.