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这次民意调查由谁资助?Who paid for the poll?

他们以前资助过谁?What have they funded before?

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世界银行是否资助公民社会组织?Does the World Bank fund CSOs?

如何取得基金会资助。How to get foundation funding.

他在研究员基金资助下出了国。He went abroad on a fellowship.

资助他和一起生活的孩子。Subsidizes him and a life child.

这一资助差额必须加以填补。This funding gap must be filled.

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他们为资助慈善事业而举办表演会。They gave a show in aid of charity.

他们没有接受政府资助。They receive no government funding.

大多数受资助者都位于美国。Most of the grantees are in the U.S.

所以,资助的方式有很多。so there are lots of different ways.

鼓励和资助在家里煮饭。Encourage and subsidize home cooking.

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那么该项目主要资助商有哪些?Who provides funding for the project?

资助艺术浪费我们有限的公共资金。Art funding lavishes our public funds.

我是怎样资助我的学院的教育费?How do I finance my college education?

没人资助这些示威游行。NO ONE subsidises these demonstrations.

官立和资助小学提供免费普及教育。Public schools are free for the taking.

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麦斯一直都在资助这支棒球队。Max has been funding this baseball team.

就这样,我接受了康雨明的资助。So, I accepted Kang Yuming's assistance.

你一直靠了我的资助念完大学!You're being seen through college by me!