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定价高于边际成本Price above that.

也许是因为你的定价。Maybe it was your pricing.

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还有,我们的定价合适吗?And do we have the price right?

现在让我们来看看在定价的对比。Now let’s take a look at pricing.

也叫做“开卷式”定价。Also known as "open-book" pricing.

预知定价和运送详情请点击这里。Pricing and shipping details here.

还有水该如何定价呢?And how can a price be set on water?

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这本书定价五先令六便士。This book is five shillings sixpence.

按使用时段定价的方式开始普及。Time-of-use pricing begins to spread.

如果百事定价在边际成本怎么办What if Pepsi prices at marginal cost?

它的定价很低——但是还不够低。Its prices were low—but not low enough.

现在看看书上的定价。Now look at the list price of the book.

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这家商店的估定价值是多少?。What's the rateable value of this shop?

任何套利都无法修正错误定价。No arbitrage can correct the mispricing.

哪个市场是有效定价的What market might be efficiently priced?

这家店里衣服定价偏高。The clothes in this shop are priced high.

没人知道如何为云计算定价。No one knows how to price cloud computing.

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所以这次的策略是定价So the strategy sets this time are prices.

这个称作是资本资产定价模型。It's so called capital asset pricing model.

给于医生和患者医疗品和服务定价的权利。Allow doctors and patients to control costs.