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爱一个人,不傻不成气候。Love a person, not silly not to climate.

但是如果我们不成气候,我就不会扩张店面。But if I was struggling, I wouldn't be expanding.

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搭便车是一个最近刚刚成气候运动。Freeriding is a sport that has just recently come into vogue.

比如,中国没有能成气候的国有手机制造商。For instance, there are no major state-owned mobile phone makers.

我们预计每次素描练习都会令我们看上去像是不成气候的艺术家。We expected every drawing exercise to show us up as hopeless artists.

该项目将可能因为效益成本比不足而不成气候。The project will likely not scale due to an insufficient cost-to-benefit ratio.

当然如果再加上那些还没成气候的小颁奖典礼,数量将会更多。Of course, a complete list, including less- heralded awards, would be much longer.

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谁也没想到这么快他的歌能成气候…No one expected those songs would increase his popularity, especially in such a short time.

电视直销这匹从市场中杀出的黑马,平地腾空,渐成气候。TV home shopping is a blank horse from the market, the flat land soars, gradually been prevailing.

保险业作为一种新兴事物在早期买办的倡导和投资下,终于破土而出并渐成气候。It was with the compradors' proposal and investment that the insurance industry developed in China.

该组织成气候变化已成为野生动物和自然面临的最大威胁之一。The group says climate change is one of the greatestthreattheyseethreatsfacing wildlife and nature.

犯罪广告最早成气候的,是专治难言之隐的“神医”。The first overwhelming generation of crime Ads are for the "highly-skilled doctors"who specialized in STDs.

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幸运的是,正如上面所强调的,中国尚未成气候的消费群体在这一关键时期体现了其优势所在。Fortunately, as stressed above, China's embryonic consumer sector works to its advantage in this key respect.

从这个角度说,制定政策的立法者必需寻找方法来抵制那些已成气候的能源产业的游说。For their part, legislators crafting policy must find ways to resist lobbying by the entrenched energy industries.

煤电厂的碳捕捉和储存技术在成本和规模上还不成气候。Carbon-capture-and-storage technology for coal-fired power plants does not yet work at the scale and cost required.

所以,我认为,一个人要想成气候,只用做到一件事情就可以,那就是将自己放低,因为。Therefore, in my opinion, a person in order to pose a real problem, only one thing you can do, and that is their low, because.

关于煤的替代,中国谈论得最多的是核能,包括计划到2020年让核电份额翻两番,然而即使实施这个涉及十几个反应堆的计划,在未来十几年,核电还不成气候。The most talked-about alternative to coal in China involves plans to quadruple the country's share of power from nuclear energy by 2020.

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个人电脑制造商想以自己的平板电脑产品对抗iPad——无论是戴尔的Streak、摩托罗拉的Xoom,还是惠普的TouchPad——然而都未成气候。PC maker’s efforts to counter the iPad with a tablet of their own — whether Dell’s Streak, Motorola’s Xoom, and HP’s TouchPad — haven’t gotten any traction.

业者须衡量所有会排放温室气体的来源,并实施减少及补偿的机制以期达成气候平衡。D. 2.1. Greenhouse gas emissions from all sources controlled by the business are measured, and procedures are implemented to reduce and offset them as a way to achieve climate neutrality.