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昨天这艘船的五名军官私自出走。Five of the ship's officers went adrift yesterday.

他气的是这么大的事刘三竟敢私自作主。He is such a big thing three dare to liu in charge.

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留学生在校期间不得私自谋职。International students are not allowed to take jobs.

毛的夫人私自下令将他入狱。His imprisonment was personally ordered by Madame Mao.

一未经许可,私自变更重划农地之使用者。The land use after farmland readjustment without approval.

私自约会,骗取他人钱财者。The appointment, swindles other people secretly the wealth.

不得私自搬迁、拆卸、改装楼内设备、物品。It's not allowed to disassemble or re-fix the installations.

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不可私自留客住宿和转让床位。Three. Not to detain a guest accommodation and bed transferring.

私自打猎的人正如走私的人,都和土匪相去不远。The poacher, like the smuggler, smacks too strongly of the brigand.

如果私自藏起,就伤害了父母的心意。If you hoard things for yourself, your parents' hearts will be grieved.

命令贾老道务必看住俞显扬,绝不允许其私自行动。We see Yu Xianyang Lao Jia command, it will not allow unauthorized action.

佳物虽小,也不要私自隐藏,如果父母知道你隐藏一些东西,一定会很伤心。If you hoard up the best for yourself, kinfolk's feelings are sure to be hurt.

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当然,私自携带笔记进入考场或抄袭他人答案也是禁止的。Of course sneaking notes into an exam or copying from others is also forbidden.

华盛顿对私自向巴基斯坦的出口不认同是好的迹象。Washington’s resolve not to rubber-stamp the export to Pakistan is a good sign.

铁路职工一旦被发现私自囤票或与黄牛勾结,都将被开除。Any rail staff found hoarding tickets or selling them to scalpers would be fired.

另一方面,罗秀贤没有执行元凶的指示而私自出逃。On the other hand, Luo Xiuxian did not execute instructions to escape the culprit.

私自打猎的人住在森林里,走私的人住在山中或海上。The poacher lives in the forest, the smuggler lives in the mountains or on the sea.

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很多客户私自改装挖沙船和淘金船,这样是万万不可的。A lot of customers without modification of the dredging and the ship is not gold, so.

由于将军私自克扣饷银,士兵们几乎没什么斗志。The soldiers lost their will to fight when the general secretly reduced their allowance.

已安排校内住宿者,不得私自在校外租房住宿。Students who already have on-campus housing arranged may not seek off-campus accommodation.