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鱼都会游水。All fish swim.

有些蛇会游水。Some snakes can swim.

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我就到处提倡游水。I encourage swimming everywhere I go.

椒盐游水濑尿虾,成只龙虾仔咁大。Live shrimp as big as a small lobster!

小船下沉的时候,他们必须游水逃生。When the boat sank they had to swim for it.

购泳装来比基尼岛,泳装在比基尼岛,游水到比基尼岛。Get bikini from Bikini, bikini in Bikini, swim to Bikini.

这对游水的驯鹿雕刻品其实也没有任何实际功能,具有一种形式。This carving of the two swimming reindeer had no practical function, only form.

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最近官方亦禁止在伊斯兰的斋戒月到海里游水.Officials have also recently banned swimming in the sea during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan.

还有,约旦和叙利亚在为两国合建水坝的下游水使用争执不休。and Jordan and Syria are bickering over access to flows from a dam the two countries built together.

这张插图画的是一些当时在犹他州南方湖中和恐龙一起游水的鱼类。This illustration shows some of the fish that swam with dinosaurs in what is now Lake Dixie, in Utah.

到达岸边后,他们得游水横渡海峡到印洲塘附近的岛往湾洲。Having reached the coast , they then had to swim across a channel to wong wan chau , near double haven.

在农村,孩子们可以去爬树、爬山、摘果、游水,还有好多好多好玩的东西。In rural areas, children can go climbing, mountaineering, pick, swim, there are all sorts of fun things.

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有时他们必须侧身顺此走廊前进,有时涉水穿过水流不深的小溪,或者游水越过深潭。They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools.

比方做做快走、慢跑、游水、健身操、踩自行车等就可以到达疾速减肥的目标了。For example, do brisk walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, riding a bicycle, can reach rapid weight loss goals.

在北极工作的美国科学家观测到北极熊最长时间的游水记录。American scientists working in the Arctic have recorded what they believe is the longest-ever swim by a polar bear.

北京某体育场馆内,小宝贝们在家长的陪同下参加婴幼儿游水比赛。Chinese babies accompanied by their parents take part in a baby swimming contest at a stadium in Beijing on Sept. 11 2010.

据称他在第二天晚上离开翁山苏姬的住地,在游水过湖的时候被警察看见。He is said to have left late the following night and was spotted by the police while he was swimming back across the lake.

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从那里朝下望,鲯鳅的颜色更绿,你能看清它们身上的条纹和紫色斑点,你可以看见它们整整一群在游水。The dolphin look greener from there and you can see their stripes and their purple spots and you can see all of the school as they swim.

她喜爱游水,是个出色的潜泳者,她对那种生活感到快活,因此会要他进行写作,而一切都会安排得有条不紊。She loved to swim and was a beautiful diver and she was happy with that life and would want him to work and everything would be disciplined.

品如在游水馆赶上了洪世贤,她仓猝跳入池里,躲过世贤的视野后她速度离去。Product as in swimming hall to catch up with the HongShiXian, she CangCu plunged into the pool, hide the vision after she died hen speed leave.