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但是出于本能吗?But is it instinct?

你的本能是什么What's your instinct?

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道义抑制本能。Duty subdues instinct.

你的本能是什么What is your instinct?

这是本能的害怕。These are natural fears.

性冲动本能的力量是什么?What are libidinal forces?

出于本能,我们会怎么做?What do we instinctively do?

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鸟儿学飞是出自本能。Birds learn to fly by i tinct.

我本能的反应是转移我的目光。I divert my sight by instinct.

鸟儿学飞是出自本能。Birds learn to fly by instinct.

它是一个很本能的想法。It was a pretty gut-level idea.

他的手第三次接触弹射拉手,靠的完全是一种本能。His third reach was all instinct.

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对于动物,我们称之为本能。In animals we call this instinct.

你出于本能地大叫一声,“嗷“You're just born with that, "Ow."

哺乳是哺乳动物的本能。Suckling is an instinct in mammals.

自我控制是最强者的本能。Self-control is the strongest instinct.

它们依靠本能,展开队形。They depend on instinct and spread out.

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这大体是人类的本能。所以,这个时间学习语言正当时。So this is the time to learn a language.

大尉于协理员本能的惊诧说。The captain to Deputy instinct was said.

人类本能地不喜欢无聊的感觉。People naturally do not LIKE being bored.