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或者凌空飞起,将这一切慢慢地转动Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly

壁架凌空伸出几英尺。The ledge overhangs by several feet.

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踢凌空球是那项比赛的一个重要部分。Punting is an important part of the game.

俄而白鹤展翅凌空,冲人霄汉。Eer volley crane wings, red people dauntless.

至少现在我们知道了什么能构成一次凌空抽射。At least we now know what constitutes a volley.

我凌空飞升,我飘拂在你那爱的疆域,啊,男人。I ascend, I float in the regions of your love O man.

贝贝托在距球门30米开外凌空抽射。Bebeto volleyed the ball 30 metres away from the net.

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他甚至开始左脚凌空射门得分。He has even started to score volleys with his left foot.

顺着雨丝飘下的,还有凌空生长的绿萝。Floating down the rain down, there is green dill growing in air.

长天一片澄蓝,碧绿的庄稼上云雀凌空穿飞。The sky was blue, the larks was soaring high over the green corn.

从高高的山头凌空下,宛如一幅水帘悬挂空中。From a high hill in the sky, just like a drencher hoisted the air.

而巴拉克就在这大舞台上送出了一记有超群技巧的凌空抽射。Ballack on the big stage delivered with a volley of superb technique.

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在比赛79分钟时范佩西胸部卸下迪亚比的挑传之后一记凌空射门。In the 79th minute he chested down Abou Diaby's chip and volley goalwards.

他朝着深渊凌空踢出一腿,用一条腿保持平衡。He kicks a foot out over the abyss, balancing on one of his tree-trunk legs.

提起贾作光的舞蹈,人们很自然地会想起那奔腾的骏马和凌空的鸿雁。Dance works of Jia Zuoguang remind people of galloping horses and soaring swans.

他又进行了半小时的边路传中之后凌空射门的训练。An extra half-hour was spent with the Frenchman volleying crosses from either side.

挑战重力的曲折叶形令这把椅子有着凌空一桥飞架般的优雅姿态。The crumpled leaf shape defies gravity, giving it the grace of a suspension bridge.

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如果你向它伸出贪婪的手,它就会像仙鹤凌空飞去。If you stretch out a greedy hand to it, it will fly high away like a red-crowned crane.

“也许有架满载青蛙的飞机凌空爆炸了,”另一名居民猜测道。"I thought maybe a plane carrying frogs had exploded in midair, " said another resident.

嗯,葡萄牙的八号在球门二十五米外凌空抽射,非常精彩。Yeah, No. 8 of Portugal volleyed the ball into the goal from 25 meters away. It was amazing.