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拟凭仙枕梦中游。By fairy pillow dream to the middle.

孩子们在池中游来游去。The children were swimming about in the pool.

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还是一个稳固但却乏味地中游者?。Or is it a solid but dull middle-of-the-packer?

每条河流都有上游,中游和下游。Each rive has its upward, middle and backward part.

马赛滑落至积分榜中游,7分落后第三名里尔。Lyon slipped to third place, three points behind PSG.

庆阳市属黄河中游内陆地区。Qingyang municipal inland areas in the Middle Yellow River.

同样地,音乐也是在忽高忽低、抑扬顿挫中游走。Also, the pitch of music is played in fluctuation and cadence.

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事实上每条河都有上游、中游和下游。Practially every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part.

在此期间,这家人还特意去到了巴黎的水族馆中游玩。Later, some of the family members visited the aquarium in Paris.

仰韶文化是黄河中游地区重要的新石器时代文化。The culture is in the middle of the Yellow River at the New Stone Age.

我继续在夜色中游来游去,直至迷失。I continue to travel to the middle reaches of the night, until the lost.

中游是指通过船运和管道运输新开采的石油。Midstream means the transportation of new oil by ship routes and pipelines.

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“我做这个是因为我喜欢,”这个电影明星说道在这麽多工作中游走。”"I'm doing it because I love it," the star has said of juggling so many jobs.

蓝天万里,水天一色,人在画中游啊!Boundles blue sky, water reflact the sky, like people is walking in a picture !

它还努力在一个中游岛建立了约旦-以色列和平公园。It's also working to establish a Jordanian-Israeli peacepark on a midstream island.

今年还将启动北运河水系中游段的生态修复项目。The restoration of the ecosystem in the mid-North Canal will be initiated this year.

该地区位于长江中游,是天然的运输与通讯会合点。The middle stretch of the Yangtze is a natural transportation and communications nexus.

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中游渠首地基是粘粒极少、极松散的粉细沙层。Middle reaches canal head foundation is the non-cohesive soil, extremely loose silt sand.

凤的起源地是在长江中游,石家河文化的凤。Fung is the origin of the Yangtze River middle reaches, stone house culture river phoenix.

万家寨水利枢纽是黄河中游干流上的大型水利枢纽工程。Wanjiazhai hydro project is a large hydro project on the middle trunk stream of Yellow River.