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是的,我们认同那是偷盗。Yeah, we agree at stealing.

那是在向未来偷盗。You’re stealing from the future.

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他们捏造了一个有关偷盗的故事。They faked up a story about burglary.

因为偷盗,他被警方逮捕了。He was arrested by police for pilferage.

警察通常是没收被偷盗的赃物.Police routinely confiscate stolen property.

在受到偷盗之后,我把所有的锁都换了。After the burglary I had all the locks convertd.

加尔文因偷盗和谋杀正受都柏林方面通辑。Carwin was wanted in dublin for theft and murder.

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罗勃特因偷盗被判三年监禁。Robert was sentenced to imprison for three years.

我想问的是,关系到偷盗者的利益吗?What I want to ask, relates stealing the benefit?

决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易。Never lie,cheat or steal,always strike a fair deal.

房主对房屋进行了火灾和偷盗保险。The owner insured the house against fire and theft.

她在超级市场偷盗修饰品时被捉住了。She was caught lifting make-up from the supermarket.

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决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守平允买卖。Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.

财主邀请他同去把被偷盗的钱财找回来。Then you must come with me and recover my stolen money.

当他从博物馆偷盗一件展品时被当场捉住。He was surprised when he stole an exhibit from the museum.

如发现任何偷盗行为,应当立即向防损部汇报。If finding any steal action , must report to the security Dept.

跟偷盗罪同时,这个罪犯还被起诉了醉驾。As well as the robberies, he was also charged with drink-driving.

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破坏财产,偷盗和下流的行为是很普遍的。Sabotage of property, thefts, and dirtying of premises are common.

面对公交车上的偷盗行为,大家都坐视不理。People sat by idly and remained indifferent to the theft on the bus.

我们为了能往饭桌上摆上像样的饭菜去偷盗,然后发现原来我们很擅长这一行。We shoplifted to put food on the table and found we were good at it.