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狼的族群一般都会有个头领。The groups usually had a leader.

他们为了争作头领而激烈地争吵。They were hassling over who would be the head.

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比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council.

但在当地头领看来,比饥饿可怕百倍的是干渴。Worse than the hunger, say local leaders, is the thirst.

所以,女王统治国家的同时,也是教堂的头领,So whilst the Queen is in charge and is Head of the Church,

他咧着嘴笑着说,我们政府应该带头领大家走致富之路啊。We officials have to lead the way in getting rich, he grins.

他是凯乃黑脚族血部落的头领。He was the chief of the Blood Tribe of the Kainai Balackfoot.

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头领便笑了,叫我看那串在长竹竿上的五颗头颅。The chief smiled, and showed me five heads fixed upon long reeds of bamboo.

“十戒”组织的头领名叫拉扎,这是根据神奇漫画的一个角色而命名的。The leader of the Ten Rings is named Raza, after a Marvel Comics character.

在母系社会中,家庭里真正的头领是妈妈的兄弟。In matrilinear societies the real head of the family is the mother's brother.

很显然他们都是这些绿火星人的头领。It was not difficult to tell that these were the leaders of the green Martians.

行政体制方面,泰人头领的地位和权力都衰落了。In terms of administrative system, the role and power of the Tai Chiefs decreased.

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这批人的头领是一位身高6英尺4寸的阿拉伯人,体格健壮,神态倨傲。At their head was a 6-foot-4 Arab with an athletic build and a commanding presence.

三个人的头领名叫佛利兹?戈洛威兹,他的父母分别是商人和医生。The parents of their alleged leader, Fritz Gelowicz, are a businessman and a doctor.

它既是冈根政府所在地,也是冈根领导人纳斯头领的住所。This is home to the government of the Gungans, where their leader, Boss Nass, resided.

原清风山三个头领都是买卖或手艺人出身。Three chieftans of mountain all buy and sell original fresh breeze or the artisan come from.

他们支持一种“忍者头领”式的行为,既不合理,又不现实。They subscribe to a kind of “ninja leader” act that is as unreasonable as it is unattainable.

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当贸易联盟入侵纳布时,纳斯头领决定置身事外。When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Boss Nass chose to remain uninvolved in the conflict.

孙子让这些女人们排队站好,还任命其中两位为“军官”,让她们当队伍的头领。Sun Tzu lined up the concubines and set the two favorites as officers at the head of the columns.

圣菲利普号于1690年下水,凭借其强大的战斗力而成为西班牙无敌舰队的头领船。The San Felipe launched in 1690, was one of the most beautiful Spanish ships of the XVII century.