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如今他们有了同盟。Now they have allies.

水蜘蛛就是我们的同盟。Backswimmers are our allies.

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他记起了哨兵同盟。He remembered the Sentinels.

美对接两大军事同盟?Two US-military alliance butt?

他上哪找那些同盟呢?Where will he find these allies?

美国会是一个好的同盟。Xira America will be a good ally.

同时也是组建同盟的意义所在。And that's worth of having an ally.

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不举同盟旗,不信黑色耶稣。So no confederate flag, no black jesus.

法国事欧罗巴洲同盟成员国之一。France is one of the member states of the ELL.

欧洲犹有奴隶、军队、同盟、帝王。Europe has slaves, allies, kings, armies still.

第二次世界大战后他们与西方重新结成同盟。They realigned with the West after World War Ⅱ.

他们与另外一个国家结成了同盟。They contracted an alliance with another country.

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在一次大战中,什么是中心力量和同盟力量?What was Central powers and Allied powers in WWI?

到目前为止,扩张对同盟是有好处的。So far, enlargement has been good for the alliance.

同盟的废止,在日本发生了强烈的反响。The annulment caused a profound impression in Japan.

他们冲进了几千同盟布阵中。They ran into several thousand Confederate soldiers.

抵抗这个同盟的国家在节节败退。The nations that resist that alliance are in retreat.

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我是他们的密友、朋友,他们的同盟。I have been their confidant, their friend, their ally.

而现在,我们对这种同盟已经司空见惯。Nowadays we are accustomed to the U.S.-Japan alliance.

我们要团结起来组成一个反帝同盟。We should unite and form a league against imperialism.