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我本心如铁石,却不由颤抖。My heart is stone and still it trembles.

没有廉耻的人,没有本心。He who has no shherehase has no conscience.

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然而,戴上这顶帽子的人物,说出来的话有时候却不一定靠谱,——因为有些时候有些话其实并非发自本心,“需要”而已。But sometimes their words are beyond belief.

信守自己的诺言,是风臣人最初的本心。Keep your promise, his first heart is the wind.

英勇的可用生命冒险,但不以本心冒险。A brave man risks his life, but not his conscience.

真正的愉快之根底在于本心。The foundation of true happiness is in the conscience.

以本心和习心的区别开出了道德界。He distinguishes between Ben Hsin and Xi Hsin to form ethics.

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彼无知者,信是虚诳,遗失本心。Ignorant people believe his ravings and lose their original resolve.

这是一本心心念念着要使自己完美,并且也乐于使自己完美的书。It's a book that wants to be beautiful, that's happy to be beautiful.

熊十力哲学将真实存在归结为“本心”或“实体”。In Xiong Shili's philosophy real existence is reduced to the "original mind " or "entity".

这些概念是我们物质自已的遗物,而是他们无法限制我们的精神本心。These concepts are relics of our physical self, but they cannot limit our spiritual Root Self.

入宫后的傅柔面对宫内的诡计阴谋,仍保持正直善良的本心。After into the palace of fu soft face schemes of intrauterine devices, remain honest good continue.

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我们唯一能做的,就只是清楚地明见本心,清楚地看见念头。The only thing that we can do is just to see original mind clearly, to encounter the thought clearly.

当一个人的本心解脱和体现,它成为宇宙无限能量的一部分。When one's Root Self liberates and manifests, it becomes part of the limitless energy of the Universe.

斗的你,提醒我们在努力追求梦想的同时,千万不要忘了最初的本心。Dou you, remind us trying to pursue their dreams at the same time, don't forget the Hellenic initially.

王安石的诗往往体现出一种禅的况味和追慕禅宗的本心。Wang Anshi's poems often embodies a meaning of Buddhism and original intention of following the Chan sect.

王阳明将理看作是内在于人的本心的,是与心直接统一的。Wangyangming had regarded reason Inherent in the very mind of man, and as the directed identify with mind.

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这张图片描述一个单独的本心“复活、”发光,明亮,和非常地活泼。This picture depicts an individual whose Root Self is "resurrected, " radiant, luminous, and immensely alive.

人走了,再气他不忠、欺诈、无本心,他都不会回来。The person walked and annoy him again unfaithful to ruler, cheat and have no this heart, he will not come back.

芭比很快发现,如果顺从本心,以及在朋友们的帮助下,可能领导整个宇宙。Bobbi soon discovered that if obedience to the conscience, and with the help of friends, may lead the entire universe.