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对元宝枫翅果油脂含量和累积规律进行了研究。Oil content and accumulation of Acer truncatum samara were studied.

以元宝枫叶为原料,研究超声波技术在元宝枫黄酮浸提中的应用。Extracted flavonoids by supersonic from leaves of Acer truncatum bunge was studied.

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从树种选择的试验中看出,侧柏、元宝枫和刺槐对种基盘造林的适宜性更强。Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia have a better adaptation by use of the seed-bases.

利用超声波以水为溶剂提取元宝枫种壳中单宁,对超声功率、超声作用时间、水量、提取次数等因素进行研究。The tannin were extracted by water as the solvent from the seeds hull of acer truncatum with ultrasonic treatment.

研究了干旱胁迫下元宝枫苗木某些生长性状和生理特性的变化。Changes between some growth properties and physiological characteristics of Acer turncatum under drought stress were studied.

对元宝枫种仁蛋白强化面包的加工方法和工艺参数进行了研究。The processing technique and parameter of the bread with the protein from the kernel of silver piece maple tree were studied.

利用超声波以水为溶剂提取元宝枫种壳中单宁,对超声功率、超声作用时间、水量、提取次数等因素进行研究。Ultrasonic extraction of tanning with water from the seed hull of Acer Truncatum was described, and the influencing factors were studied.

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研究还表明,在自然条件下元宝枫幼树上述水分参数随季节和生长节律以及环境条件的变化发生有规律的变化。Under natural condition, the ware parameters changed in respond to the changes of seasons, growth and development stages and environmental conditions.

以164株大树的调查数据为基础,对元宝枫各性状进行相关性分析,再进行变异类型划分。Based on the investigation of 164 trees of Acer truncatum, the relativities among characters were analyzed and the variable types were compartmentalized.

用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N_2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N_2O气体一个重要的源。The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique.

以云南引种的46株元宝枫的果实为研究材料,对其果实的9个性状变异和各性状间的相关性进行了分析研究。Taking 46 Acer truncatum introduced to Yunnan as the study materials, the variance of 9 fruit characters and the correlation between different characters were analyzed.

以云南昆明地区引种栽培的元宝枫林为对象对其林木的开花结实习性进行了调查研究。Taking the Acer truncatum trees cultivated in Kunming district of Yunnan province as the research targets, the flowering and fruiting characteristics of this species were studied.