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这是在针叶林中蜿蜒的小路。This one is just a meandering in the woods path.

大约一半的人在针叶林山上放牧驯鹿。About half a are reindeer herders up in the Taiga mountains.

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因此,阔叶林比针叶林能积累更多的土壤有机碳。Broadleaved forest may offer more SOC than coniferous forest.

雪山、冰川与针叶林、白桦树相映,如诗如画。Snow mountain, glacier, conifers, white birch set each other off its beauty.

东西伯利亚南部山脉针叶林带雪表面的升华。Sublimation from snow surface in southern mountain taiga of eastern Siberia.

现在没有了针叶林,只有碳化的树木和空洞依然存在。Now instead of coniferous forests there are just carbonized remains of trees and voids.

展品范围从一个非洲热带雨林到北极针叶林和苔原在夏季。Exhibits range from an African rain forest to the Arctic taiga and tundra in the summertime.

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主要土壤-植被系统型组有淋溶土-针叶林、淋溶土-灌丛及灌草丛。The main type groups of SVS are luvisol—conifer, luvisol—shrubbery, luvisol—shrub grassland.

阔叶林改善土壤物理性状的能力较针叶林强。Broad-leaved forest improvement soil physics properties ability is stronger than coniferous forest.

偈人着松散的长袍或有腰带的长袖服装,而与北部针叶林地带其他地方所见的都不一样。The Ket wore a type of loose-fitting robe or caftan unlike any found elsewhere in the northern taiga.

从图片中我们可以看出,成排的“针叶林”从火星表面的沙丘和小山上长出。The images appear to show rows of dark "conifers" sprouting from dunes and hills on the planet surface.

粗广的印度覆盖稀薄的冻土和宽带状浓密的原针叶林。Roughly the size of India, it's capped by a thick layer of permafrost and swathed in dense taiga forest.

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夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctic's taiga was also slow and arduous.

北方针叶林地处北半球中高纬度地区,增温剧烈,是受气候变化影响最显著的地区之一。Boreal forest lies in middle-high latitude of the northern hemisphere, where temperature increases strongly.

营巢在针叶林、常绿林、杂木林等各种类型森林的荆棘或矮树上。Nesting in coniferous forest, often greenwood, miscellaneous wood forest types of forest tree thorns or short.

由于这里气候较寒冷,因此分布着大量的针叶林,栖息着许多野牛。As the colder weather here, so the distribution of a large number of coniferous forest, habitat for many bison.

对长白山暗针叶林林隙一般特征和干扰状况进行了研究。Gap characteristics and disturbance regime in a dark coniferous forest in Changbai mountain areas were studied.

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世界森林生态系统包括热带、亚热带、温带森林,北方针叶林以及其他有林地。World Forest Ecosystem includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests as well as other woodland.

各林型枯枝落叶层的持水量呈现出明显的针叶林大于阔叶林的规律。The orderliness of forest litter's capability in holding water is the conifer higher than the broad-leaved trees.

拉脱维亚森林位于混杂有北方针叶林和南方落叶林的森林带。Latvian forests are located in a mixed forest zone consisting of northern coniferous and southern deciduous trees.