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你看,我还是活蹦乱跳的。Well, I am still alive and kicking.

瞧瞧他,又活蹦乱跳的了。Look , he is alive and kicking again.

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土耳其的民主是活蹦乱跳的。Turkish democracy is alive and kicking.

这些活蹦乱跳的孩子就够你成天忙碌了。These lively children keep you on your toes.

猴子脚跟上绑了坠子,还能快乐地活蹦乱跳吗?Can Jackanapes be merry when his clog is at his heel?

它们活蹦乱跳得像快乐的小精灵,跳跃在我们的手掌心来回的起舞。They live happy like the elf, jump in our hand and dance.

当德国工程师活蹦乱跳地回到他面前时,他彻底信服了。When the engineer returned alive, van Cotthem was convinced.

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人生苦短,你能在这个世界上活蹦乱跳的日子并不长。Life is short. You have a limited number of days on this Earth.

第二天,它就眼睛明亮,活蹦乱跳,尾巴也得意地高高翘起。The next day it was bright-eyed and active, its tail jauntily erect.

这些鲤鱼从河里拖上来时活蹦乱跳的。The carp were alive and kicking when they were dragged out of the river.

因为医生说了吃了药之后就会活蹦乱跳了啊!Because the doctors said I will jump and dowm after taking the medicine !

我的意思是,你能想象他会下去与农庄里那些活蹦乱跳的雄猫混在一起吗?I mean, can you see him mixing with all those hearty males down on the farm?

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何不在万圣节前夕给他们来个突袭,扔100只活蹦乱跳的松鼠在他们床上?Why not surprise them on Halloween and throw 100 rabid squirrels on their bed?

但他是个焦虑的孩子,和那些活蹦乱跳的同学比起来,明显的沉默。But he is an anxious child, noticeably quieter than his boisterous schoolmates.

鱼儿活蹦乱跳着,在此起彼伏的欢呼声中被装进了竹篓里。Fish jump forward, cheers in one after another was put into the baskets inside.

别为她担心,她今天早上病得蛮厉害,但现在已经活蹦乱跳了。Don’t worry about her, she was rather ill this morning, but now she’s full of beans.

重视它的精力吗?有的猫活蹦乱跳,有的则温和迟钝。Three, value of energy?The some cat live to leap disorderly jump, have of geniality muff.

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一批活蹦乱跳的赫德森湾狗取代了这些已无力拉雪橇的狗。Fresh batches of Hudson Bay dogs were to take the places of those worthless for the trail.

只是当他试着后掷鱼线时,他才发现自己被一个活蹦乱跳,气喘吁吁的人吸引住了。Only when he tried to back-cast did he find himself hooked into a living, breathing dynamo.

想想吧,船队出发时一共有四百零八个活蹦乱跳的水手啊——德拉克绝对是个残暴无情的家伙,孩子。Hawkins had fifteen. Out of four hundred and eight jolly Jack Tars. Drake is merciless, boy.