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然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Rubbings in the spread of civil cases.

然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Unfortunately, however, of great luck, it's been non-circulating Rubbings.

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第二关,慕容蝶要求刘弈翻译狐族的碑文拓本,好在这是林彤的强项。Second, Murong asked Liu Yi translation butterfly kitsune inscription rubbings, but this is Lin Tong.

碑之原迹早已不存,研究者大多是以拓本摩本为据。As the original trail has not existed for a long time, the researchers mostly use the tablet rubbings as their basis.

现所知者多为1930年拓本,其他各期拓本数量甚少,尤以早期“旧拓”最为难得。Most rubbings were made in 1930, and most other types are rare, the most difficult to obtain being early period rubbings.

纪功碑前半部分依据拓本还可以辨认,后半部分则受损严重,难以辨认。Jigong Beiqian half Rubbings can also be based in part on the identification, the second half was badly damaged, illegible.

此外,在体验学习室里,可以亲自操作一把木版印刷和拓本,以及古代人用过的工具。Besides these, you can try wooden mask printing and the Takbon, as well as tools used by people in the past in the Learning Room.

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现存的“龙城石刻”,是1933年柳州周耀文根据民间流传的拓本勾勒上石的。" The existing "City Rock Carving" is 1933 according to the Liuzhou Zhouyaowen Rubbings popular among the people of the Shang Shi outlined.

在这批拓片藏品中,有不少现今罕见的精拓本,较之目前国内外所出版图录更为精美、完整。Among these collections of ink rubbings , there are many rare items, which are much earlier and intact than those currently published by press at home and abroad.

校勘是文献整理遇程中十分基础、重要的一步。其中涉及拓本的选取,对异体字、俗体字、拓本泐蚀及错、讹、脱、衍等问题的细致考辨。Collation is the very basis of literature review process, which includes the selection of rubbings of variant forms, the research and discern of wrong and false folk characters.

更有文德低下者,在椎拓时有意剜敲字迹,使碑文人为残损,故其价值远逊于初拓本。Have Wen De more low person, intended when vertebra develop cut out knocks handwriting, make epitaph person is damage damage, reason its value Yuan Xun at first a book of rubbings.