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肱骨、桡骨和尺骨在哪儿?Where are you humerus, radius, and ulna?

桡骨小头骨折多长时间可以拆掉石膏?Can how long of is radius small fracture pull down gesso ?

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外固定针固定在2~3掌骨和桡骨干上。Fixation pins were placed in the 2 3 metacarpal and radial shaft.

手臂桡骨和尺骨的连接关节是一个枢轴关节。The articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint.

矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

近侧螺钉进入点刚好在桡骨边。Just radial to this aiming point is the starting point for proximal screw insertion.

目的探讨一种治疗桡骨远端粉碎性骨折的有效方法。Objective To study an effective method of treating comminuted fractures of distal radius.

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在手臂内旋和外转中,很容易确定桡骨头和关节线。During pronation and supination , the radial head and joint line can easily be identified.

严重儿童尺、桡骨干双骨折的治疗是个难题。The treatment of severe diaphyseal both bone forearm fractures in children is a challenge.

尺骨茎突常常伴随桡骨远端骨折而发生骨折。Background Ulnar styloid fractures often occur in association with distal radial fractures.

左侧桡骨骨折,多长时间可以好,骨折线多长时间可以愈合?。Left radius fracture, how long is OK good, can how long of bone broken line cicatrization ?

桡骨远端的解剖复位对获得良好的长期功能是必要的吗?Is anatomical restoration of the distal radius necessary to achieve good long-term function?

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桡骨小头在稳定肘关节及上尺桡关节中起着至关重要的作用。Capitulum radius plays a vital role in stabilizing elbow joint and proximal radioulnar joint.

均行桡骨小头切除术,术后常规石膏固定对症处理。Two patients were treated by resection of capitulum radius and plaster fixation after operation.

LCP系统应用的最常见骨折位置之一为桡骨远端骨折。One of the commonest fracture localizations in which the LCP system is used is the distal radius.

同时,临床上也以桡骨头损伤合并内侧副韧带损伤多见。Clinically, the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament.

目的探索治疗尺、桡骨干骨折及骨不连的新技术。Objective To develop a new method of treating fractures and nonunion of radial and ulnar diaphyses.

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目的对比可塑性腕关节支具与小夹板这两种外固定治疗桡骨远端骨折的临床疗效。Objective To discuss the clinic effect of plastic wrist brace treatment of distal radius fractures.

结论经皮钢针撬拨复位法是治疗桡骨颈骨折行之有效的方法,值得临床推广。Conclusion This method might be effective to treat radial neck fracture and could be used in clinic.

目的研究桡骨远端骨折背侧成角畸形对腕关节运动的影响。Objective To determine how malunited distal radius fractures affects the kinematics of wrist in vivo.