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雨水从天而降。Rain slithered from the sky.

纷纷扬扬,从天而降。Swirl, coming down from heaven.

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迷漫的雪花从天而降,飘洒飞扬。The beautiful snow is suffusing from the sky.

没有人知道为什么会有陨石从天而降。No one knows why there is aerolite from the sky.

怀特洛先生的仁慈就会象甘露一样从天而降。Mr. Whitelaw's benevolence would descend like soothing balm.

神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归。Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die.

像长毛象般大的圆球形羽毛状熔岩将会从天而降。Giants balls of furry lava the size of mammoths raining from the sky.

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我当时以为我的祖先会从天而降来向我道贺。I thought all my ancestors would descend from heaven to congratulate me.

阿肯色州有5,000只红翅黑鹂从天而降死亡。Around 5,000 dead red-winged blackbirds dropped from the sky in Arkansas.

大雨疯狂地从天而降,黑沉沉的天就像要崩塌下来。The heavy rain crazy black sky drop from the clouds, like the collapse of.

再次,从天而降的声音吼道,“冰下没有鱼。”Again, from the heavens, the voice bellowed, There are no fish under the ice.

正在这时,第五套制服,好比从天而降,落在这四套上面。At that moment, a fifth uniform fell, as if from heaven, upon the other four.

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医生认为这种从天而降的艺术冲动是他的大脑受损造成的。Doctors believe the sudden artistic drive is the result of damage to his brain.

我们通常认为奇思妙想会突然从天而降进入我们的脑袋。We often think that a creative idea suddenly comes into our heads from nowhere.

当我三岁住在贝尔格莱德时,德国人的炸弹开始从天而降。When I was three years old in Belgrade, German bombs started falling on my head.

太初元年,有神石从天而降,四散人间。Beginning the first year, God stone drop from the clouds, scattered in the world.

正当他站在白宫西厢讲台上侃侃而谈时,对奥巴马先生的怀疑简直是从天而降。The disbelief fairly dripped from Mr. Obama as he stood at the West Wing lectern.

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而这次人们确认从天而降令人惶恐的物体究竟是什么。The alarming object falling from the sky was recognized for what it was, this time.

所罗门献殿之时,圣火再次从天而降。When Solomon offered up the temple, the holy fire once again came down from heaven.

喻示该公司象大鹏一样,具有从天而降的冲刺速度和远大的志向。Dapeng Yu said the company, as the same, with heaven's sprint speed and lofty ideals.