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为什么吸血鬼嗜血?Why blood?

压扁吸血鬼?Vampire squished?

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吸血鬼真的存在么?Do vampires really exist?

你是一只活力吸血鬼吗?Are You an Energy Vampire?

杀吸血鬼是除害。Killing vampires is clean.

有的吸血鬼自己还拥有城堡。Some of them have castles.

难道是吸血鬼?Is a blood-sucking vampire?

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他是一个食尸鬼,还是一个吸血鬼呢?Is he a ghoul or a vampire?

我装扮成吸血鬼的样子。I'm dressed up like Dracula.

卡伦一家有可能是吸血鬼吗?。Could the Cullens be vampires?

为什么吸血鬼需要漱口剂?Why do vampires need mouthwash?

弗拉德的吸血鬼是暗杀。Vlad the Impaler is assassinated.

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一名吸血鬼和一个即死的人类小孩…A vampire and a dying human child.

我觉得那里是个吸血鬼的聚集地。I think that it's a vampire coven.

汽车尾气像吸血鬼残害我们生命。Life's "bloodsucker" to the truth.

吸血鬼最喜欢的一个汤是什么?What's a vampire's favourite soup?

我猜人们还是喜欢吸血鬼。I guess people like vampires still.

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没有吸血鬼。So, there you have it. No vampires.

吸血鬼维克特是个素食者。Victor the vampire is a vegetarian.

吸血鬼咬过你后,开始眩晕了。Vampires get woozy after biting you.