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还是在那片草地吗?In the Meadow?

‘草地’是什么?What is the Meadow?

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草地适于打球。The lawn plays well.

勿踏草地。Don't tread on grass.

春天是绿绿的草地。Spring is green grass.

噢,原来草地上有小坑呢!Oh, the grass has a pit!

他们在草地上飞跑。They slide on the grass.

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比尔潦潦草草地给我写了个便条。Bill scribbled me a note.

水仙花,青青的草地,繁星满天。Daffodils. Green meadows.

你怎么修剪种秣草地呢?How do you cut a hayfield?

我是我的草地的骨头。I am the bone of my sward.

撒向那牧场枯渴的草地。Over the thirsty paddocks.

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草地上的草还没割。The meadow is not yet mown.

他们蹲坐在草地上。They squatted on the grass.

我喜欢在草地上做日光浴。I'm gonna go sunbathe, okay?

羊儿在草地里。The sheep are in the meadow.

乔和我坐在草地的椅子上。Joe and I sat on lawn chairs.

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小羊羔在草地上欢跳。Lambs gamboled in the meadow.

河水淹没了草地。The river flushed the meadow.

一匹马站在草地上。A horse is standing in a lawn.