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我在做什么在循序渐进的家庭?What Am I Doing in a Step-Family?

记住,这是一个循序渐进的过程。Remember this is a step by step process.

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他们寻求的是一种循序渐进的工作方式。They are looking for a stepwise approach.

循序渐进一日两跑从每周两次开始。Build Slowly Start by doing two-a-days twice a week.

然而中国似乎正在循序渐进的改变其做法。Slowly, however, China seems to be changing its approach.

你也看到了,这是一个循序渐进的提高。You see, this is almost a perpetual circle of improvement.

当你感觉自己已经准备好了,就可以开始循序渐进的增加活动量。Start slowly and increase your activity as you feel up to it.

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你需要与他们合作、循序渐进的按着计划做事。You will need to collaborate and do follow-ups on your projects.

按照惯例,我会循序渐进地向大家详细讲解整个制作过程。Like always I’ll talk you through the entire process step by step.

获得常见问题确定任务的循序渐进的指导。Obtain step-by-step guidance for common problem determination tasks.

还有,口语课每学期都要开,循序渐进。In addition , the classes would be offered every semester in sequence.

计划和实施补充性食物计划和治疗性食物计划是一个循序渐进的过程。Planning and implementation of SFPs and TFPs is a step-by-step process.

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所以,安乐死立法宜循序渐进。In a word, the legislation of mercy killing is suitable for gradualness.

学习语言必须遵循循序渐进的原则。To learn a language we must follow the principle of gradual improvement.

最后需要注意的是,当于你有一个美好的开端的时候,一定要注意循序渐进,慢慢来。The final precaution, when you get the OK to begin exercising, is to go slowly.

生活救助要量力而行,循序渐进,逐步提高。Aid to living according to our capability, step-by-step, and gradually increase.

推进东亚合作,要循序渐进,先易后难。And in advancing East Asian cooperation we should follow a step-by-step approach.

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不过,谭说,此举向更加市场化,价值人民币应循序渐进。However, Tan said the move to a more market-valued yuan should be made gradually.

但他身体还在慢慢恢复,需要循序渐进和一个稳定的状态。But he is in the recovery , he needs improvement step by step and stable condition.

但我们可以想到初期节奏将是循序渐进的,原因有几个.But there are several reasons to assume that gradualism will be the initial watchword