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大脑是高级神经活动的中枢。The brain is the centre of higher nervous activity.

跳步急停后,任何一只脚都可以成为中枢脚。After we made a jump stop, any foot can be a pivot foot.

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汽车有动力转向和中枢锁闭系统。The car has power steering and a central locking system.

形成了前面1分钟中枢的背驰段。Form a front of 1 minutes the central back section of chi.

那么10点是这1分钟中枢的背驰点吗?The 10 point is that 1 minutes of central back relaxation?

这是因为谷歌的中枢衰竭依然是无法挽救了。Because there’s no way to correct Google’s central failure.

皮肤和核心温度都作用于体温调节中枢。Both skin and core temperatures contribute to thermoregulation.

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这份考察报告,可以支持“小句中枢”的理论和观点。This paper can be an attestation of the Theory of Clausal Pivot.

你大脑中枢中的“娱乐”功能已经由于年久搁置不用而退化。The "fun" center of your brain has deteriorated from lack of use.

第四部分专论昭宗朝的中枢政治。The fourth part monographs central politics of Zhao Zong Dynasty.

华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场中枢——安装了捷运系统的候机室Washington Dulles International Airport Main Terminal APM Station

中枢性及周围性面瘫的鉴别诊断。Master the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of facial paralysis.

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目的定位免疫功能相关的中枢脑区。To study the location of brain areas involved in immunoregulation.

先给中枢性肌松剂对大鼠SCD急性中毒有良好的保护作用。The CNS muscular relaxants can relieve acute poisoning of rats by SCD.

脉轮指的是人体的七个基本的能量中枢。The chakras are related to the seven basic energy centers in the body.

爱情的镇痛作用更多地和奖励中枢有关。Love-induced analgesia is much more associated with the reward centres.

这种缠绕因此在大中枢太阳梦想中变得全息。The intertwining became holographic within the sun's dream as a result.

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然后,用全感官性爱唤醒他们沉寂已久的快感中枢。Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.

智能型保护装置是高压开关的中枢控制部件。Intelligent protection equipment is the central control unit of high switch.

结论VEP检测能较早期的反映患者视觉中枢的病变。Conclusion VEP detection can reflect lesions of visual center in early stage.