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所以,就让我们向油炸圈和夹肉饼说"不"吧。So say No to that doughnut and burger.

我先点这个炸鸡肉饼。I am going to order this chicken croquettes.

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现在,香河肉饼的种类逐渐增多。Now, the type of meat pie Xianghe gradually increased.

易步指示准备鱼肉饼。Easy step by step directions for preparing fish cutlet.

专程为品尝香河肉饼而来的也不在少数。Xianghe meatloaf made a special trip to enjoy a few have come.

他建议玩我们从没听说过的“烤肉饼”游戏。He suggested we should play "Cutlets, " a game we never heard of.

此县虽小,却有“香河肉饼”闻名四方。This county is small, there is "meat pie Xianghe" famous Quartet.

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鱼肉饼容易,一步一步指示,为准备鱼肉饼。Fish cutlet easy step by step directions for preparing fish cutlet.

香河肉饼成为品牌,成为一种独特的地域美食文化。Xianghe meat pie to become the brand has become a unique regional cuisine.

把猪肉混合物捏成8个肉饼,放上榄角及芫荽。Shape pork mixture into 8 patties . Top with preserved olives and coriander.

有一所大学食堂提供的肉饼有一股让人觉得“好极了”的味道。There was one university canteen that served cutlets with a “very good smell”.

给我一分奶油和马铃薯糊拌鸡肉饼。Give me chicken croquettes with green peas and cream sauce and mashed potatoes.

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泰式三文鱼虾肉饼配黑米饭和亚洲青菜及咖喱椰奶花生汁。Thai salmon prawn cake with asian greens, black rice and red curry peanut sauce.

那些宽松出来的钱与我手中准备购买肉饼的五十大毛相比,到底有何特异之处?What is so special about all those dollars compared to the five I hold in my hand?

实际上,目前大多数召回的牛肉涉及成品冷冰小牛肉饼。In fact, most of the recent beef recalls have involved pre-made frozen beef patties.

或者你可以要个“三三”汉堡,里面有三块肉饼和三片奶酪。or you can get a triple-triple, which is three meat patties and three slices of cheese.

不少来香河买家具或办事的人,都会顺便品尝一下香河肉饼。Xianghe many to buy furniture or business people who will taste the way Xianghe meatloaf.

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Quorn是个用菌蛋白制作鸡肉饼、鸡块和牛肉制品的公司。Quorn is a company that makes chicken patties, nuggets, and beef products from mycoprotein.

将雪好的肉饼以大火蒸约10至12分钟即可食用,饰以葱花。Steam the patty over high heat for 10-12minutes, garnish with chopped green onion, serve hot.

如今,围着篝火狂欢的人们烧完袜子后,都会纷纷去吃蟹肉饼和牡蛎。These days, the bonfire revelers retire for crab cakes and oysters after burning their socks.