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您先头没有看见有杆枪对着您瞄准吗?Did you see a gun aimed at you?

先头部队打响了。The advance detachment has engaged the enemy.

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德国的先头部队一定相距很近。Certainly the German spearheads were very close.

先头小组何时返回,提前五分钟通知。The leading group is to move back at5 minutes' notice.

很快,装甲先头部队就从周围接近了他们的猎物。Soon, panzer spearheads were closing around their prey.

我军的先头部队和敌军的一个班巡逻兵遭遇。Our advance forces encountered a squad of enemy patrols.

我军的先头部队和敌军的一个班巡逻兵遭遇。No one forced him to indulge the false glamour of the weed.

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黄昏时分,埃及普塔军团先头部队赶到,加入战斗。Dusk, Egypt Legion spearheads Gupta arrived to join the fighting.

我们是先头部队,大军随后就到。We are the advance detachment. The main forces will be here soon.

但是,正如我们先头说过,顾客始终是受到欢迎的。And yet, we insist upon the word, people were always welcome there.

他先头听见的便是马蹄踏地的响声。The noise which he had heard was the trampling of the horse's hoofs on the pavement.

先头部队已于复活节抵达,而后续部队也一直排到十月底以前了。The advance guard had arrived at Easter, and others were booked in until the end of October.

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对冲基金,通常是公司中最具流动性的,可能成为外撤的先头部队。Hedge funds, always the most mobile of firms, are likely to be in the vanguard of any exodus.

冉阿让早已忘了他先头用来噤住珂赛特的方法。Jean Valjean had already forgotten the means which he had employed to make Cosette keep silent.

爱潘妮的眼睛一直盯着他们,看见他们从先头来的那条路走了。Eponine, who never took her eyes off of them, saw them retreat by the road by which they had come.

拒绝别人是不礼貌的事,博洛索性开口邀请,占个先头时间亲近也是好事。Yes discourteous to others, Boluosuo of open invitation for a time close Foremost is a good thing.

在我们先头提到过的那个转角地方,更是低到只有一道墙了。There, at the angle of which we have spoken, it descended to such a degree that it consisted of merely a wall.

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刘到了大别山,在那里设立起他的指挥部,但他的先头部队继续前进。Liu reached the Ta Pieh Mountains and set up his headquarters. His advance columns, however, continued forward.

事实证明先头部队的开进慢于原计划并且第一场雪早在10月就已经降下。The advance of the Army proved to be slower than planned and the first snow began to appear as early as October.

冉阿让先头好象是垂头丧气的,听了这称呼,忽然抬起头来,露出大吃一惊的神气。At this word, Jean Valjean, who was dejected and seemed overwhelmed, raised his head with an air of stupefaction.