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这就是用兵的一般法则。Such is the method of using troops.

操虽能用兵,只此可以瞒过他也。Cao may be an able strategist, but this should fool him.

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“如果你们有战士的话,”欧比旺庄重地说道,“现在就是用兵之时了。”If you have warriors, " Obi-Wan said gravely, "now is the time. "

要揣测他如何用兵,只有了解所有日本人是如何打仗的一途。The only way to guess how he will fight is to know how all Japs fight.

所以,善于用兵的将帅,就好像率然一样。Thus the army adept in warfare may be likened to the snake, Shuai Ran.

治病如用兵,治疗皮肤病亦一样。Treats an illness like resorts to arms, treats skin disease to be also same.

善于用兵的人只求达到目的,而不炫耀优势。A good general only seeks to achieve his goal, not to display his superiority.

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其治国用兵,以务实为旨,远见卓识,谋略不凡。Wu Its ruling military, practical for purport, foresight, counsel is uncommon.

修行完备的人也用兵打仗。可是他与一般谋略家、野心家不同。A man of perfect practice also resorts to arms but he is different from the politician.

业务工作在某些方面和用兵打仗道理一样。The reason is the same that the vocational work fights with using military forces in some aspects.

古人用兵,追击败逃的敌人不过远,追踪主动退却的敌人不迫近。In antiquity, they did not pursue a fleeing enemy too far nor follow a retreating army too closely.

清代对西北用兵也造成了蒙古族人口的损耗。The war broke out in the northwest China in the Qing Dynasty also caused the population decreasing there.

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这些,是军事家用兵之佳妙奥秘,是不可事先规定或说明的。These, are the strategist resort to arms the good wonderful mystery, may not the preset or the explanation.

人民解放军和武警部队坚持依法用兵、依法行动。The PLA and the PAPF maintain their commitment to employing troops and taking action in accordance with the law.

秦汉大一统王朝,为开疆拓土,经常大规模、频繁地对外用兵。In order to develop their borders, the monarchs of Qin and Han Dynasties often resort to arms to external countries.

哪里有强劲的对手,组织起了军队并且占领国家领土,以用兵。Where opponents are large, organised like armies and occupy territory, military methods are likely to be more effective.

修行完备的人也用兵打仗。可是他与一般谋略家、野心家不同。A man of perfect practice, in some cases also resorts to arms for conflict solution, but he is different from the politician.

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武警部队养兵千日用兵千日,执勤反恐是中心任务,一刻也不能松懈。CAPF unit, preparing too much but proceeding for short while, executes anti-terror as the focus task that can not been let up.

所以善于用兵作战者,总是设法造成有利的态势,而不岢求于将吏。他能选择人才去创造或利用有利态势。Thus the person who is adept at warfare, use the battle circumstances and does not solely depend on his troops to seek victory.

用兵作战贵在速战速决,不宜旷日持久。懂得用兵之道的将帅,是民众生死的掌握者,是国家安危的主宰。And therefore the general who understands war is the controller of his people's fate and the guarantor of the security of the nation.