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希拉的父亲真是个一毛不拔的铁公鸡。Sheila's dad is a real tight wad.

铁公鸡在汉语中的意思是一毛不拔。An iron rooster in Chinese means miserly.

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希拉的父亲真是个一毛不拔的铁公鸡。A cotton wad that was impregnated with ether.

铁公鸡还有生锈的时候,你TMD简直是个不锈钢的。Miser and rust, you TMD is a stainless steel.

一只黑色的铁公鸡坐在村里教堂的塔尖上。A black iron cock sits on the spire of the town church.

铁公鸡还会留点锈,你简直就是不锈钢公鸡。Will leave a little rust, you simply stainless steel cock.

从前有个又穷又铁公鸡的人向上帝祷告。There was once a very poor person who was also very stingy.

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即使你再怎么铁公鸡,到了日本也不可能什么都不买。Even if you can't admit to Japan also impossible what all don't buy.

他是个十足的吝啬鬼,想从他手里借钱如同叫铁公鸡下蛋一样根本没有可能。He is such a miser. Borrowing money from his is like milking the bull.

他的羽冠像长满了钉子,鲜艳明亮得如同红辣椒,样子有点像有“摇滚铁公鸡”之称的罗德·斯图华特。His crest is spiky, bright as a hot chili, making him look a little like Rod Stewart.

“所谓的国际铁公鸡论是毫无道理的,”陈在上月对记者说。"The so-called international misers theory is totally unfounded , " Chen told reporters late last month.

让税收部门这个铁公鸡拔毛,新能源汽车撼动局面的能力着实不小。Let the tax department the miser pull hair, new energy vehicles shake the ability of the situation is not really small.

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茄子还没把话说完,屋顶上的铁公鸡就折断了,“砰!”的一声掉到了地上。But even before the eggplant finished saying this, the iron rooster on the roof top broke and fell on the ground with a big noise, 'boom! '

但茄子话刚说完,铁公鸡在屋顶上摔断了,砸到地面上发出大大的噪音,”轰!”。But even before the eggplant finished saying this, the iron rooster on the roof top broke andfell on the ground with a big noise, 'boom! '.

灾难过后不久,国内的网络对所谓的“铁公鸡”,或者吝啬的一毛不拔的企业议论纷纷。Soon after the disaster, the Internet in China was abuzz with lists of so-called Iron Roosters, or birds so stingy they would not share a feather.