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地势险要,为关隘重地。Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

在一块岩石和一个险要的地方之间被捉住了。Caught between a rock and a hard place.

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另日的路还很长,而且我们正在艰难地攀缘在险要的山坡之上。The road coming up will be long. Our climb will be steep.

徐茂山则透露附近有一座地形险要的山头。XuMaoShan is revealed that there is a dangerous mountain terrain.

同时由于山形险要、人迹难至,更增加了无尽的神秘色彩。And the steep cliffs and unreachable inside add more to its mystery.

漂浮的碎片或者物体令到即使是很简单的急流也变得非常险要。Floating debris and strainers make even an easy rapid quite hazardous.

这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress.

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如果你可以给一个步兵连三小时时间去占领一个位于险要地点的碉堡,他们是会进入阵地拿下碉堡的。You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.

由于地处偏远,地形险要,柏威夏寺保存得相当完好。The remote location, strategically located and difficult terrain, Preah Vihear Temple is quite well preserved.

因地势险要,素有“两京锁钥无双地,万里长城第一关”之称。Due to difficult terrain, known as "two lock and key unparalleled in Beijing, the Great Wall the first hurdle, " said.

张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou, Inner Mongolia, the traffic is very dangerous, always terrain which.

鲁道夫正航行在一处荒凉而险要的海角,他的地图告诉他最近的港口离他的位置有半天的航程。Rudolf was rounding a bleak, dangerous cape, and his map told him that the nearest harbor was half a day's journey away.

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我们当然可以照办,但战争险要交额外的保险费,因为我们的CIF报价没有包括这种附别。We can certainly do this, but it is subject to an additional premium, because our CIF quotation doe' t include this risk.

走到龙潭附近时,他发现峡谷的峭壁太过险要,要花一年的时间才能建造桥梁。When he reached the dragon's lair he saw that the cliffs of the ravine were so far across that building a bridge would take a year.

人们总是说,在危及生命的险要关头会感到时间的脚步都慢下来了,这其中有一种很合逻辑的解释。In life-threatening or dangerous situations, people often say that time seems to slow down, and there's a fairly logical reason why.

而采石矶以独特优越的地理位置,气势险要的大江绝壁,深厚悠久的历史文化,雄踞三矶之首。One among the three because of unique superior geographical location, perilous cliff along Yangtze River and long historical culture.

险要地带中的大江没有船只利用时就应用浮游器材渡过我军。If the valley has a large river but you do not have boats and oars, then you should use the Heaven's Huang to cross the whole army over.

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为了追寻邪恶根源及拯救世界,他带著在途上遇到的亚伦王子和蒂露踏上险要征途!The Archmage Ged departs on a journey in search of the source of evil and encounters Arren, the Prince who deserted his homeland of Enlad.

此区地势险要,群众条件好,回旋地区大,安全方面完全有保障。It is an area where we have a favorable mountainous terrain, a good mass base, plenty of room for maneuver, and full guarantee for security.

对于山海关的雄奇险要,历代文人墨客留下了无数直抒胸臆、荡气回肠的优美诗篇。Shanhaiguan advantageous for the magnificent, ancient literati left countless directly express one's mind, soul-stirring and beautiful poems.