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不要自夸和虚张声势。Do not brag or bluff.

才不呢,她只是虚张声势。Naw , she's just bluffing.

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那种虚张声势的作用正在逐渐消失。The bravado was wearing off.

他是个很灵的人,不会为虚张声势所吓倒。He was too clever a man to be bluffed.

他很坚强,不会被虚张声势吓到。He was too strong a man to be bluffed.

我虚张声势,正努力掩藏自己的恐惧。I was bluffing, attempting to hide my fear.

汤姆是个很聪明的学生,不会被虚张声势吓倒的。Tom was too clever a student to be bluffed.

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他不需要虚张声势给观众催眠。He needs no bravado to mesmerize spectators.

Kassin博士也测试了虚张声势的影响。Dr Kassin also tested the impact of bluffing.

它既不死气沉沉,也不虚张声势。It’s neither too sleepy nor too intimidating.

她虚张声势恐吓他,使他误以为她的枪是上了膛的。She bluffed him into thinking that her gun was loaded.

制片方认为演员们只是在虚张声势。The producers were convinced the actors were bluffing.

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其次,许多应用和服务给人的感觉有些虚张声势,令人意兴阑珊。Applications and services feel bloated and uninspiring.

那么达芬奇是否在虚张声势,自我炒作呢?So whether is Da Vinci swashbuckling, is ego acclaimed?

在扑克中,当你手气不好而下重注,你就是在虚张声势。In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand.

第一个计划失败,你就开始虚张声势了。The first plan goes to hell and then you start tap-dancing.

绷着一张扑克脸的人通常擅长虚张声势。Someone who has a poker faceusualyusually is good at bluffing.

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中国全是在虚张声势,他们只是个不稳定的第三世界洞穴。China is all bluff and bluster they're an unstable 3 rd world hole.

每个人都知道他的威胁是虚的,他只是在虚张声势而已,其实他很无助。Everyone knows his threats are empty, that he's bluffing and helpless.

在击败猛龙后他抹去了老沙克的虚张声势。He dusted off some of that old Shaq bravado after torching the Raptors.