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姜海表示会立刻把转业报告撤回来。Jiang Hai said would immediately turned to report back to.

当前,有一大批干部要转业到地方。A great many cadres are about to be transferred to civilian work.

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然而,我们知道“滚石不生苔,转业不聚财”。Nevertheless, we all know that "a rolling stone gathers no moss".

工程项目标规模和关云长际关系。修转业为。Various scales of the project modify behaviors and relationships.

有些农场主已经转业养鹿,全国的养鹿场现在已经达到4,500个左右。Some farmers and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.

包括中转业在内,香港现在已成为世界第二大玩具出口地。Including re-exports, Hong Kong is now the world's second largest toy exporter.

其实,接触儿童文学创作,是转业到地方以后的事。In fact, children's literature creation, exposure to place the demobilized after.

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但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started.

对作转业安置的军官,可以根据需要进行职业培训。Officers to be transferred to civilian jobs may be given vocational training where necessary.

正直转业被分配到爱国卫生运动委员会当副主任。Integrity job-transfer was assigned to patriotic health campaign committee when vice chairman.

洪声一年前转业到了地方,在一家民营企业给老板开直升机。HongSheng gathers the place a year ago, in a private company to open a helicopter for the boss.

我出生在一个幸福的大家庭,爷爷是军人,当时转业到河南生下了爸爸,爸爸有一个哥哥一个弟弟和一个妹妹。I was born in a happy and big family . My grandfather was a soldier , when he demobilized , he.

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全国解放,一五三团接到命令,就地转业,投入到中央建立中。National liberation, 153 group received the order, on-site job-transfer, plunge into the central build.

后来,黄元帅转业回老家当了一名88路公交车司机。Later, yellow marshal be transferred to civilian work answered native place to become a 88 buses driver.

本文旨在拓展对中华人民共和国军队干部转业历史的研究。This paper aims at expanding the scope of studies on the history of demobilization of PRC army officers.

白炜明同志作为一位摄影艺术家从部队转业到忻州,他是幸运的。As a photographer who quit the army and came to Xinzhou to start a new career, Weiming Bai is a lucky guy.

当然,转业干部中能当大学教员的,即使有也是极个别的。但是,能当中学、小学教员的还有的是。Of course, very few can serve as university instructors, but many could teach in secondary or primary schools.

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第七条企业可以对富余职工实行待岗和转业培训,培训期间的工资待遇由企业自行确定。Article 7. The Enterprises may carry out vocational training and job change training for surplus staff and workers.

我们军队转业干部中会管企业的人不多,但是总有管理军队的经验嘛!Only a few of our demobilized cadres know how to administer enterprises, but they have all administered army units.

现在,纳税人能把这一部分的钱支付给复员转业人员,换取等值的产品或服务。But now the taxpayers turn over this part of their funds to them as fellow civilians in return for equivalent goods or services.