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城里的居民正在修葺城郭。The citizens are repairing the city walls.

对院子的布置和修葺等需要合作精神的工作提出建议。Connect over yard advice or repairs that need cooperation.

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为了迎合游客的需求,许多门面又被重新修葺了。To cater to them, many of the old lodges have been revamped.

湖边的亭阁被修葺得古色古香。The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

我们会让更多美国人去从事修葺日渐破败的公路和桥梁。We’ll put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges.

没有修葺或者没被取代的老房子渐渐被隔离开来。Old dwellings are gradually falling apart not to be repaired or replaced.

最近,岛上有过一次重新修葺,现在有了一个18洞的高尔夫球场。Having lately been renovated, l'île aux Cerfs now has an 18-hole golf course.

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经宋、元、明、清历代修葺保存至今。It remained till now through renovations in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.

他兴奋地写道,修葺一新的楼梯是用回收的牲口棚木头做的。where, he happily notes, the renovated stairway is made from reclaimed barn wood.

直至一九八三年市政府才开始对芙蓉寺进行修葺。Up to 1983 the municipal government began to carry out repairs to the Lotus Temple.

年内,该署视察了34378个招牌,结果共拆除或修葺752个招牌。In 1998, 34378 signs were inspected, resulting in the removal or repair of 752 signs.

政府重新铺设了人行道和街道,大学进行了重新维修,窗户重新修葺。Sidewalks and streets were paved, universities were renovated and windows were sealed.

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雷刚当义工替教堂修葺,他更向雪乔分享本人的高兴。LeiGang when volunteers for the church to repair, he is more snow Joe share my pleasure.

供养金若超过所需,馀额即将用以修葺旧舍屋顶。If more money comes in, Nalanda will use it to repair the leaking roof of the old building.

原来在河边立的碑石已被洪水冲倒,至今还没有修葺。The original legislation in the river flood the monument has been Chongdao, has yet to repair.

黄鹤楼往往毁坏于无情的战火,又常常修葺于繁荣的盛世。Yellow Crane Tower is often destroyed by heartless flames of war, often restored to prosperity.

每年夏天她的妹妹都会来到这里帮她种蔬菜以及修葺房子。Every summer she is visited by her sister who helps her to plant vegetables and about the house.

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他们联系了当时已经回家安排修葺房屋工人的凯勒。They contacted Keller, who by then had gone home to deal with a worker doing repairs to her house.

美国在全球的霸权无疑将受到中国的修葺中的航母的挑战。American global supremacy is not about to be challenged by China's tinkering with aircraft-carriers.

其中桑恩的三艘都亟需大修,不过目前应已修葺完毕。All three of Saan's ships had been in dire need of 'refitting, but by now the work should be complete.