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男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。Man begs, woman sells.

那狗用两只后腿站着乞食。The dog cocked its hind leg.

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他们不会举起双手向人乞食。They are not about to raise their hands and say 'gimme.'

使他的子孙流离失所,沿门乞食,使他由残破的家室里,被人逐离。May his children go begging, driven out of their ruined homes.

当他老得不能干活的时候,只好乞食度日。When he was too old to work, he had to beg for food to stay alive.

有一天,佛陀与比丘们入城乞食时。One day, Buddha and his disciples went to the city to beg for food.

有些人捡剩菜,有些则在街上乞食。Some have to pick up leftover food, others go around the streets to beg for food.

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在人类居住地乞食的鹤鸵渐渐的就会失去野性。Image CreditWhen reduced to begging in enclaves of humanity, the birds can often lose some of the wildness.

为了拉拢人民,贵族们把无产阶级的乞食袋当作旗帜来挥舞。The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner.

全天都有成年狐獴呵护着它,幼崽大声的吱吱乞食声全群落都听得见。It follows adults around throughout the day, belting out squeaky begging calls for the entire colony to hear.

未来,任何出家人和梵志,也将是以这样的方式,不断地检视觉察,来清净他们的乞食修行。Whatever recluses and brahmins in the future will purify their almsfood will all do so by repeatedly reviewing thus.

为了研究透彻这个方法,梅顿用一个播放狐獴幼崽乞食声的喇叭尾随着成年狐獴。To explore this option, Madden followed adult meerkats around with a loudspeaker that played younger baby meerkat begs.

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现在,任何出家人和梵志,正是以这样的方式,不断地检视觉察,来清净他们的乞食修行。Whatever recluses and brahmins in the present are purifying their almsfood are all doing so by repeatedly reviewing thus.

找得到工作已经是万幸,罗马有众多人口乞食维生,但羊毛加工实在是酷热难熬的苦工。I am lucky to have found some work. Many in Rome must beg for their meals. Still, wool processing is brutally hard and hot.

尽管如此,两周饭菜的计划制定出来后减少了我说“没东西可吃了,我们去向墨西哥玉米卷车乞食吧!”Still, having two weeks' of meals planned out and purchased for cuts down on the times when I can say, "There's nothing to eat."

舍利弗,过去,任何出家人和梵志,都是以这样的方式,不断地检视觉察,来清净他们的乞食修行。Sariputta, whatever recluses and brahmins in the past have purified their almsfood have all done so by repeatedly reviewing thus.

他走到每天经过的街道,看见一个姑娘在门边站着,这个姑娘是等他来乞食的,这是每天的惯例。He walked to the street where he passed by every day and saw a girl standing by the door. The girl was waiting for his customary visit.

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现在倒好了,社会发展了,科学进步了,一个大男人,完全可以理直气壮的向女人乞食,因为男女平等了嘛!Now booing, and social development, and scientific progress, and a big man, can a woman begging to the righteous, because gender equality it!

有一天行脚经过一条河流的路边,正计画要到何处托钵乞食时,看到河中从上游飘流一片很新鲜的菜叶。One day they came across a river, wondering where to beg for alms, when they caught sight of a fresh leaf of vegetable drifting down the river.

可能是音高的变化使得乞食声没那么能打动人,获得的食物也随之变少,狐獴没办法就只好自谋生路。This change in pitch might make their begs less persuasive, eliciting less food and leaving the juveniles no option but to forage on their own.