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思念,是一个人的兵荒马乱。Miss, is a man of war.

是于兵荒马乱中的闲散自淫?Is being idle in the chaos of war?

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你们的悲欢离合是我兵荒马乱的悲伤。I Beihuanchige is your earth-shaking sadness.

我就像是在兵荒马乱中和亲人失散后,几经周折,总算和亲人又团聚了。It was like a family reunion after the turmoil and chaos of war.

于是余有繁花似锦后的兵荒马乱。Then after the war have flowers blooming like a piece of brocade.

波尔,我的童年是在慕尼黑兵荒马乱的内战中终结的。Bohr, my childhood in Munich came to an end in anarchy and civil war.

所谓青春就是是一场无声的兵荒马乱的战争,而我们终究溃不成军。Youth is a silent war and war, and we eventually will be utterly routed.

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我不奢望奢侈的生活,只想在兵荒马乱时还有人牵着我的手。I don't expect a luxurious life in war and people just want to hold my hand.

上个世纪的三、四十年代,兵荒马乱,整天打仗,哪里有什么糖尿病?Three of the last century, 40 years, turmoil and chaos of war, all war, where what is diabetes?

兵荒马乱中,他们都去了台北,但能在偌大的上海相遇的他们,在台北却从未谋面。Turmoil and chaos of war, they all went to Taipei, but in the huge Shanghai met them, never met in Taipei.

一定时战争开始后驿站才停业的,因为没几个人敢在如此兵荒马乱的世上穿梭。It must have been out of service since the war began, cause few man dared to travel in such a dangerous world.

一个坚强的母亲在这个兵荒马乱的的年代独自教养这群孩子们。A strong mother brings up this group of children alone in the time full of the confused and chaotic that cause by wars.

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历史证明,世界可能不到一年就从太平盛世转变为兵荒马乱,有时候也就数小时之内的事情。If history has taught us anything, it is that the world can go from what seems like total peace to total chaos in under a year, and in some cases within hours.

落后就要挨打,正因为不能给儿童正当的教育,导致人才荒废,中国才会被外国侵犯,处处兵荒马乱。Behind will be beaten up, is because they can not give proper education of children, resulting in people abandoned, China will only be a foreign violated everywhere hurried retreat.

南非波尔战争发生之际,全国各地兵荒马乱、人心惶惶,一位传道人问教会的主任牧师要如何安抚人心?During the Boer War, when there was much unrest in the country, a certain minister asked his brother-minister, who was a leader in the church, to do his best to calm the minds of those around him.