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仿佛前世注定的一场炼狱。Something pre-ordained. A Calvary.

男人们的前世是蜜蜂。The preexistence of man ia the bee.

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我的前世也许是一只鸟。Maybe I was a bird in an-anther life.

他在历史上的地位是前世已经注定的。His place in history was foreordained.

不会有前世的记忆。It won't have any memories of its prior life.

她也时常去凯蒂利拜访她“前世的家人”。She visited her 'former family' in Katni regularly.

那,可是你前世遗落的冰泪一滴?Is it the tear that you dropped in previous existence?

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孟婆汤又称忘情水,一喝便忘前世今生。Soup is also called over a drink, then leave this life.

在阴阳界双方,我的前世。Across the Yin and Yang of the two circles, my preexistence.

过了奈何桥,我们就该忘掉前世的纠葛了。Crossed how the bridge, we should forget the past the tangle.

这对牛顿来说是很有力的理由,但这就是前世生活的证据吗?That was the clincher for Newton. But was it proof a past life?

前世一别即永远,情坠不见闺中人。The previous one don't forever, love fall do not see in person.

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在这几年间,前世催眠回溯都是一个热门及意论纷纷的话题。Past-life regression is a controversial hot topic in these years.

我们是通过前世回忆而体会到这些概念的。We become aware of these ideas through recollection or anamnesis.

伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。Iraq and the bosom embrace me, except I preexistence is frivolous.

我知道,阿波罗热恋的情人雅辛托斯,就是你在希腊彼时的前世。I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days.

前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。Past the dust, present in the wind, soul and spirit of endless grief.

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前世今生,苔藓们生生地把自己活成树木的一部分。Preexistence, moss are students themselves into a part of living trees.

她爱上了一个懦弱的男人,只是因为这个男人的前世救过她。She loved a cowardly man, just because the man's preexistence saved her.

把酒当风,觅前世知己,却无人知我心。The wine when the wind, looking past friends, but no one knows my heart.