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你驻扎在布拉格堡吗?You stationed out at Fort Bragg?

士兵们驻扎在城内。The soldiers were quartered in the town.

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可还记得赵军驻扎的地点?Do you remember the location of Zhao camp?

他所在的部队就驻扎在边防线附近。His army is stationed near the border line.

我一点也不知道这附近有军队驻扎。I didn't know there was Army land hereabouts.

意大利大约有3800名士兵驻扎在阿富汗。Italy has about 3,800 soldiers in Afghanistan.

第五装甲师驻扎在诺克斯要塞。The Fifth Armoured Division was based at Fort Knox.

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军官将他的队伍驻扎在一所中学里。The officer quartered his troops in a middle school.

他们沿西北边境线驻扎了士兵。They lined the north-western frontier with soldiers.

史密斯从9月17日起一直驻扎在曼哈顿下城。Mr. Smith has been in Lower Manhattan since Sept. 17.

骑哨先于前哨基地驻扎的骑马的。A mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost.

第四装甲师驻扎在本宁要塞。The Fourth Armoured Division was based at Fort Benning.

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在这些防御工事中必须有人驻扎You have to have people who live in these fortifications.

于是,1955年迪克被安排驻扎在阿拉斯加时,我们搬家了。So, in 1955 Dick was stationed in Alaska and we relocated.

阿根廷最好的足球队——博卡青年队——也驻扎在这里。It also has one of nation’s best soccer teams, Boca Junior.

偶像取代了上帝驻扎进在我心里。An idol is anything that takes the place of God in my heart.

因此,补给站越到,能维持住的驻扎舰队也就更大。The bigger the depot, the bigger the fleet that can be hold.

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还记得他们强烈抗议鱼鹰驻扎在普天间基地吗?Remember the outcryabout the Osprey's being based at Futenma?

部队驻扎在两国多的边境上。Troops are posted near the boundary between the two countries.

至少有一个,第十装甲师的连在此驻扎。At least one company from the 10th Panzer grenadiers dug in here.