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他的首要任务是什么呢?What were his priorities?

在万物中,他们首要的是钱。They want it above all things.

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她的首要因素是逻各斯。Its dominant element is the Logos.

我的首要顾虑就是这个问题。This leads me to my first concern.

找到他是反恐组的首要任务。Finding him is their first mission.

人生的首要目的是什么?Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?

爱的首要义务就是倾听。The frist duty of love is to listen.

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贝里斯的首要输出品是什麽?What is the leading export of Belize?

为什么这会是首要因素。Why would this be the first ingredient?

这是最伟大和最首要的戒条。This is the great and first commandment.

煎蛋卷的首要成分是鸡蛋。Eggs are the main ingredients of omelets.

首要的是,每个人都必须遵守法律。Above all, everyone must abide by the law.

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顾客的满意就是我们的首要使命!Customer Satisfaction is our No1 priority!

食物因子为原麝夏季生境选择的首要影响因子。Food factor is the chief factor in summer.

而抑郁症是自杀的首要诱因。Depression is the leading cause of suicide.

防空炮是首要打击目标。Engage accompanying air-defense guns first.

自缥信是成功的首要秘诀。Self-trust tis the first secret of success.

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十诀的首要第一诀是“不得贪胜”。The first one is “don’t be greedy for win”.

注册会计师的首要职责是审计。The principal function of CPAs is auditing.

但我的首要任务是提高我的成绩。But my top priority is to improve my grades.