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那是一个古代的蓄水池。It is an old cistern.

这就是古代的云锦吧?Is this ancient Yunjin?

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对古代碑铭文字的研究。The study of inscriptions.

我要是生活全讯网在古代就好了。I wish I'd lived in the old times.

这件古代青铜作品,高34.5厘米,长41厘米。It is 34.5 cm high and 41 cm long.

从这个角度说,十字军东征不仅仅是古代史。They are not just ancient history.

西安曾是一个古代的都城。Xi’an was once an ancient capital.

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腕尺是古代的一种长度单位。Cubit is an ancient unit of length.

他朗读那篇古代事件给他儿子听。He read the story aloud to his son.

有古代动物的骨头。They have bones of ancient animals.

曾使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦。In ancient days by emperor and clown

她很会鉴赏古代家具。She has an eye for antique furniture.

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这一套全是古代的寓言七拼八凑起来的!What a farrago of old fables is this!

日本的古代神话,对性就毫不避讳。Japan's ancient myth, no taboo on sex.

古代人并不这么认为。That's not what the ancients believed.

他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。The emperor he played was magnanimous.

乌孙是一个古代部落的名称。Wusun is the name of an ancient tribe.

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古代希腊人有爱好运动竞技的传统。Ancient Greeks a sport-loving tradition.

对古代碑铭文字的研究。He read the inscription before the tomb.

古代城邦的起源是有争议的。The origin of city-states is disputable.