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明白事理的人。A man of understanding.

他说话既亲切又明事理。He spoke with both kindnessunderstanding.

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我会让他学习,明白事理。I'll make him study and understand things.

随着时间的推移,有些事理你会慢慢渐悟的。Something will dawn on you as time goes on.

他说话既亲切又明事理。He spoke with both kindness and understanding.

他真以为唯有他明事理。He really thinks he has a monopoly on the truth.

你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。You should know better than to behave like that.

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你父亲远比我父亲更明白事理。Your father is more understanding than mine by far.

我们就会明白事理更快地长大,我们就能够拥有一个美好未来。Sense we will grow faster, we can have a better future.

我们彼此认识、尊重,我们都是明事理的人。We know and respect each other, and we're both grown men.

沃森是个笃信宗教、明达事理的青年,为人正直。Watson was a pious , sensible young man, of great integrity.

有了这种意识,你很可能就会有明事理的良心。You have awareness of global inequity, which we did not have.

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运用各种暗示点对隐藏的事理逻辑线索进行探查。Using cues, clues and hints to detect the hidden relationships.

她有一张樱桃红的嘴巴,从里面说出的满是年夜事理。She has a cherry red mouth, from the inside out is all big stuff.

教师反复不断地训诲那几名调皮搞蛋的男生,力图使他们明白点事理。The teacher tried to beat some sense into those few naughty boys.

我们尊重我们文化中能够高度精确或逻辑的阐明事理的人物。We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture.

有了这种意识,你很可能就会有明事理的良心.And with that awareness, you likely also have an informed conscience

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对于没有受过教育的人而言,看格言是个明白事理的好方法。It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read a book of quotations.

她是那里唯一一个明白事理,不杀生的人。She was about the only person there who knew better than to kill animals.

本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles.