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调整银行资本。Recapitalizing banks.

什么是资本性资产?。What is capital asset?

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这就是资本的循环。It is the cycle of capitalism.

金融减震器就是资本。The shock absorber is capital.

资本性支出的详细情况。Detail of capital expenditures.

理由之一是资本不足。One is the scarcity of capital.

他的资本被骗光了,他回到家里。He came home shorn of its capital.

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银行能被资本规定驯服吗?Can banks be tamed by capital rules?

侍旧送是金钱,一种可以挥霍的资本。Time is money, a disposable resource.

资本周转是周期性的循环。Captial turnover is a periodical cycle.

无追索权的营运资本贷款Non-Recourse Working Capital Bank Loans

催产素还可能充当资本积累的工具。Oxytocin may also be a capitalist tool.

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六是企业人力资本经营实证分析。The positive analysis of EHC operation.

它是资本和米纳斯吉拉斯州。It is the capital of Minas Gerais state.

注册资本40万元人民币。The registered capital is 40, 0000 yuan.

它们事实上在糟蹋资本。They are, in effect, destroying capital.

没有财富,资本收益或地产税。No wealth, capital gains or estate taxes.

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若干地区存在船台及船坞等资本的过度供给。Some areas are slack in slipway and dock.

一个新的资本市场应运而生。A new market had sprung up out of nothing.

但同时,买壳上市是风险较大的资本运作方式。Meantime, it is high risk of buying shell.