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安伯是惟一真实的世界。Amber is the one , true world.

其它工具对OER是惟一的。Other tools are unique to OER.

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他惟一的喜好是莳花。His only hobby is growing flowers.

她是惟一一个准予保释的嫌疑人。She was the only one granted bail.

你使我的阳光,惟一的阳光。You are my su hine , my only su hine.

每个测试方法都有其惟一的TDT。Each test method has its own unique TDT.

他惟一能看到的只是周围的树桩。He could only see the stumps around him.

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这是离开这个国家的惟一的机会。It’s a one-shot deal out of the country.

实践是检验真理的惟一标准。Practice is the sole criterion of truth.

医治腰痛的惟一办法就是休息。The only way to cure backache is to rest.

这是我们现在惟一能做的事情。This is theonly thing that we can do now.

这就是蹦极跳运动出现的惟一原因。It's the only reason bungee jumping exists.

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我想因为您是惟一一个幸存者吧。I suppose because you are the only survivor.

信念是惟一已知失败之解药!Faith is the only known antidote for failure!

惟一行标识是一个整型值。The unique row identifer is an integer value.

惟一的选择就是砍掉树林。There was no option but to deforest the area.

每个输出类型定义都有一个惟一名称。Every output type definition has a unique name.

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莫利是惟一一位与我的观点相同的人。Moore is the only person who shares my opinion.

无愧于心是我们惟一可靠的奖赏。With a good conscience of our only sure reward.

理想情况是,索引中的每个键值都是惟一的。Ideally, every key value in the index is unique.