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禁运只会殃及无辜的百姓。The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.

BBC在现场的一辆转播车被殃及。BBC broadcast at the scene of a car are affected.

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同时还威胁到栅栏附近的绿化,殃及池鱼。Also a threat to the fence near the green, adverse impacts.

无人攻击机很少,如果真有的话,仅仅杀死预定的目标,而不殃及池鱼。Drones have rarely, if ever, killed just the intended target.

城门失火,殃及池鱼。A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.

纯粹是一个威胁——一个你所选择的,殃及我们所有人的危险分子。Except a menace —a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.

假币殃及政府、个人和公司。Currency counterfeiting victimizes governments, individuals, and corporations.

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这又殃及前数年于房价开始大升而购入的人士。And it’s starting to hurt those who bought years before the housing boom began.

我们非常努力的确保这些材料的披露不会殃及无辜。We have tried hard to make sure that this material does not put innocents at harm.

北洋军阀统治时期,战祸不断,殃及教育。In the reign of the Northern Warlords, with the frequent wars, education was stagnant.

然而,经济危机仅仅以软柔的一击殃及中国之际,墨西哥的情况则不太妙。Yet while the crisis has hit China with only a soft blow, Mexico's case is less benign.

我们不想在市中心上演警匪枪战,因为那将殃及无辜群众。We don't want shoot-outs in town centres where innocent people are seen as collateral damage.

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我们的船正泊在旁边也受到了殃及,但我和男爵当时不在船上幸免于难。Our boat was lashed alongside of theirs – with the Baron and myself absent, but escaped injury.

情志过分抑郁,影响肝的疏泄、调畅,而殃及脾胃。Over-emotional depression, which affects freeing the liver, then impacts the spleen and stomach.

一场全球性的金融危机将殃及全世界每一个角落的农民和小业主。A global financial crisis affects farmers and small business people in every corner of the globe.

所以,如果失控了,杀死的不只我自己,车子砸向屋顶,还要殃及正在吃饭一个幸福家庭。So, if I lose control, I not only kill myself, but I land on a house and kill a nice family having dinner.

虽死里逃生却殃及池鱼,背负起天价的赔偿。Although barely escape one's life however disaster and Chi Yu, bear the compensation of price having a day.

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店铺的老板们则在店面前挂上了大幅塑料布,以防这场“红色战争”殃及店里的货物。Shopkeepers put up huge plastic covers on their storefronts to protect their properties from the sea of red mush.

赵铁柱晦气的站起身,要是在这里打起来,容易殃及旁边的人。The station of Zhao Tie Zhu's disadvantageous starts, whether blow here, effortless Yang and the person of flank.

春天未到你便先出现,这不但弄死了你自己,而且你还殃及了我呢。By thus appearing before the spring-time you have not only killed yourself, but you have wrought my destruction also.