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我的本科专业是历史。My undergrad is history.

我念本科时已开始接触它。I've used it as an undergrad.

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他还没有本科毕业。He hadn't gotten his undergrad yet.

是指本科学位和毕业证明吗?B. Med. degree and grad certificate.

本科生活总是有做不完的作业,每天的学习任务也安排很满。It's a lot of work, a lot of studying.

他们会看你的本科GPA。They'll look at your undergraduate GPA.

麦迪尔学院也有大学本科专业。Medill also has an undergraduate program.

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本科毕业生也不在是紧缺资源。College graduates are not in short supply.

你在本科学历还是硕士学历?You are study for Bachelor or Master dee ?

妳在学习本科学历还是硕士学历?You are study for Bache loror Masterdegree?

你在学习本科学历仍是硕士学历?You are study for Bachelor or Master degree?

北京大学,计算机系,本科。Syracuse University, Computer Science, M. Sc.

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本科及以上学历,会计专业。Bachelor degree or above, major in accounting.

这儿也有非常好的本科课程。It also has a very good undergraduate program.

那你能不能跟我们讲讲你的本科生活呢?Then can you tell us about your undergrad life?

航空相关专业本科或以上学历。Bachelor or above in the aviation-related field.

我有化学本科学历和物理硕士。I hold a BA in chemistry and Masters in physics.

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因此,我选择了英语作为我的大学本科专业。Thus, I chose English as my major in the college.

苦干加巧干,本科重点有希望。Work hard and smart, the emphasis will have hope.

本科学历,财务、计或经济专业。Bachelor degree in finance, statistics, economics.