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这是一份学生考勤记实。This is a list of school presence.

这是一份学生考勤记录。This is a record of school attendance.

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永恒之塔考勤卡可以为您提供更多的游戏时间。Aion timecard can offer you more game time.

负责维修部考勤记录。Record the working attendance of Repair Department.

当你的考勤卡没记录的时候,你是否还在工作?Do you ever work when your timecard is not recorded?

做好学习考勤和统计上报工作。Perfrom attendance checks and submit statistics reports.

另一半选择考勤宽松,随堂考试的课程。The other half choose attendance loose quiz exam courses.

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最近三个月的考勤记录、工资表、工资单。Time card record, payrolls & pay slip of last three months.

如果你在工厂上班,通常得打考勤卡。If you work in a factory, you usually have to punch a clock.

工厂是否有最近六个月的所有员工的考勤记录?。Do you have all the employees clock cards for the last 6 months?

打卡钟打卡考勤记录,但需要员工每月在工卡上签名确认。Paper card timing records with signatures from employees monthly.

填写运行记录、化验记录、考勤记录、交接班记录等相关记录。Finish operation record, test record, attendant record, shift record etc.

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一名员工的考勤记录缺少具体的上下班打卡时间。Provided time record of one employee is missing specific time-in and time-out.

使用图形带背光功能的LCD显示屏,方便快速和精确操作AC1000考勤一体机。Using Graphic LCD with Back Light feature, it can be operated easily and accurately.

负责监督和执行考勤制度保证教职工遵守我们的制度。Responsible to oversee and enforce policies to insure faculty abides by stated policy.

负责本部门员工的考勤、绩效考核与本部门员工的奖罚工作。Take ge of attendance, performance evaluation, award punishment of departmental staff.

没有限制你只使用一种时间记录方法来记录考勤和劳动数据。You are not limited to one method of time recording when entering time and labor data.

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该成绩根据实验指导老师每日的考勤记录进行评定。This is evaluated by the experimental results of the teacher's daily attendance records.

请把名单上的人员使用的考勤卡背面后5位数字发给我。Please send me the 5 digitals on the back of the time cards of these people on the rolls.

提出了一种无线射频非接触式RFID学生考勤系统的设计方法。The paper suggests a kind of design method of non-contact RFID student attendance system.