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杏子其实是桃子家族的一员。Almonds are a member of the peach family.

杏子,新鲜或干燥的,富含贝它胡萝卜素。Apricots, fresh or dried, are high in beta-carotene.

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是狗将白鼻心追上了杏子树。It is the dog drives the opossum up in an apricot tree.

妈妈买回好多杏子,可惜大部分是酸的。Mother bought many apricots, but most of them were sour.

用蔬菜去皮机给杏子去皮,然后一切两半并去核。Peel apricots with a vegetable peeler, then halve and pit.

你也可以试试杏子或让从事自然健康的小店帮你看看别的选择。You can also try apricot or ask at a natural health store about other options.

“我已经来日无多了”,冢本说,“我想在离开这个世界时使用的是‘冢本杏子’这个名字”。"I don't have much time left, " Tsukamoto said. "I want to die as Kyoko Tsukamoto. "

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诸如巴坦杏、桃、鳄梨和杏子这样的农作物完全依赖蜜蜂授粉。Crops such as almonds, peaches, avocados and apricots are totally reliant upon bee pollination.

芦荟和杏子用以修护头发,令头发轻盈及油光不再。A light Aloe &Apricot infused conditioner to repair the hair without any heaviness or greasiness.

口感赋予新鲜饱满的果香,其中梨子、香然和杏子的风味较明显。On the palate is wide, fresh and full of fruit. Pear, banana and apricots flavours are emphasized.

杏子就是其中的一员。她不愿让我们写出她的姓名,怕给将来找工作添更多麻烦。One was Kyoko, who was afraid to give her last name for fear it would further damage her job prospects.

精美干桃子和梨与杏子和茉莉属低音。肉豆蔻温和的口味在回味。Delicate dry peaches and pears with undertones of apricot and jasmin. A mild taste of nutmeg on the aftertaste.

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加入剩下的杏子碎末并慢炖,搅拌,直至糖浆变成深棕色并变的浓稠。Stir in reserved chopped apricot and gently simmer, stirring, until syrup is deep brown and slightly thickened.

香气浓郁,多汁,清凉解渴,杏子是含矿物质和维生素原A最丰富的水果之一。Flavourful , juicy and refreshing, the apricot possesses one of the highest levels of minerals and provitamin A.

对倾向于易爆发油性的肌肤,你可以不用杏子油,而是加入几滴薰衣草和茶树精油来代替它。For oily break out prone skin you can omit the apricot oil and add a few drops of lavender and tea tree instead.

库车是中国最大的杏子之乡,只不过这里的杏子是白的,甜是没有话说的,非常好吃,也有无花果。Kuche is China's largest apricot home, but here apricot is white, is not saying sweet, very tasty, but also fig.

这个葡萄品种有桃子和杏子的香气。它的口感跟琼瑶浆的口感一样饱满醇厚,酸度也低。Viognier produces peach and apricot flavours and, like Gewurztraminer , is lower in acid with a rich mouth-feel.

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如苹果、覆盆子、香蕉和杏子之类的水果,以及洋葱、西红柿都富含槲皮素。Fruit such as apples , raspberries , bananas and apricots , as well as onions and tomatoes , are good for quercetin.

其它水果如李子、桃子、杏子、杏仁和樱桃的籽和叶也都含有氰苷。The leaves and seeds of other fruits contain glycosides too, such as plums, peaches, apricots , almonds and cherries.

他们生吃大多数植物,还吃高比例的杏子、浆果、葡萄、李子和桃子。Many of their plants are eaten raw and they also eat high proportions of apricots, cherries, grapes, plums and peaches.