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来自皮尔蒙特的清甜型汽酒。Semi-dry white sparkling wine from Piedmont.

白葡萄汽酒是穷人的香槟。Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne.

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我在卧室里开了一瓶普罗赛柯汽酒。We start with a bottle of prosecco in the bedroom.

什么样的红葡萄酒适合制作桑格利亚汽酒?What Kind of Red Wine Is the Best for Making Sangria?

他拍了拍手招呼侍者过来,要了两杯杜松子汽酒。He clapped his hands for a boy and ordered two gin fizzes.

切忌用此开瓶器开启塑胶瓶塞和汽酒。Don't use this corkscrew for plastic cork and sparking wine.

对于不喜爱酒的人来说,桑格里亚汽酒是一款不错的饮料。For those who are not fond of wine, Sangria is a nice drink.

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半瓶甜汽酒正适合2个人品味。A half bottle of a sparkling dessert wine is a treat made for two.

消费者们将注意力转移到廉价香槟,汽酒销售遭到打击。Consumers switching to cheaper champagne and sparkling wines have hurt.

当你到达以后,尝尝桑格利亚汽酒,这种酒在每个小店都24小时供应。As you arrive try the sangria available24hours a day at many a corner shop.

他买来一支汽酒,还有一朵玫瑰来庆祝这次约会。He had brought along a bottle of sparkling wine and a rose to celebrate the occasion.

在南部西班牙,桑格利亚汽酒被叫做zurra,这种是从桃子或者油桃里得来的。In the south of Spain Sangria is called zurra, and is created with peach or nectarine.

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汽酒甜甜的,弟弟坐在那里,咂吧着嘴,品味着,似乎还想喝,可又不好说。Sweet sparkling wine, my brother sitting there, taste, and seem to drink, can not say.

这款轻柔的汽酒,干爽清冽带有花香及果味余味。This gentle-sparkling wine is fresh and crisp with a floral bouquet and fruity finish.

卡蒙皇家起泡汽酒是一款果味浓郁,气泡细腻丰富,散发着新鲜乳酪和奶香的口味雅致的葡萄酒。ItÊs a fruity wine, with fine bubbles and elegant nose of fresh butter and creamy cake.

实际上,桑格利亚汽酒是从红酒,水果,苏打水,橘子利口酒和白兰地中得来的。Sangria is typically created from red wine, fruit, soda water, orange liqueur and brandy.

澳仕威纯无醇汽酒蕴涵成熟苹果的清雅芬芳,热带水果的淡淡香味,以及青柠的暗香。The wine displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples, subdued tropical fruits and citrus notes.

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土特产主要有龙眼葡萄、保安大米、王帽杏仁、中华沙棘汽酒。Longan produces mainly grapes, security rice, almond cap Wang, the Chinese sea buckthorn sparkling wine.

汽酒限价比比较高,是香槟的廉价替代品。Sparkling wines are getting better in quality and are now an acceptable, cheaper alternative to champagne.

以金矿命名的黄色峡谷如今已成为澳洲顶级汽酒酿造商。Named after a goldmine in what are now vineyards, Yellowglen is Australia's leading sparkling wine producer.